28. You Probably Weren't Expecting A Chapter From Me, Huh

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"Whoa, Shelly, are you okay? You should come out of the bathroom now, you've been in there for a while."


"Oh, OH! That's what," I felt my face go red. "That's what's been, oh gosh...Well, I dunno where I would find tampons, Shelly. I've never really had to get them before."

"Literally anywhere." She growled from behind the door. "Just get some and get some fast because I'm not leaving this bathroom till then. Kevin won't leave Clyde unattended, you just fuck around doing nothing, so that leaves me with all the difficult work. Seriously, you turds would all b— ugggg, it's all over my nice pants now! Dammit!" Man, I sure am glad I wasn't born a girl.

"Okay, just hang tight! I'll try to...wait! Shelly! That means I'll have to go outside all by myself." I've never been outside before. At least since the apocalypse started. I mean, I've been in the backyard, but Kevin reinforced all of the fences and make them a lot taller, so I was always safe when I went in the backyard. Going out to a store and getting supplies was something different entirely. What made me feel even worse was that Shelly and Craig both had no problem. Craig would probably laugh at any zombies that even dared to cross his path. Craig's an unstoppable force, and he knows it.

At least I think he does...

"Well sucks for you I guess. Check on Clyde, if he's doing fine then you can take Kevin with you so you don't piss your pants."

"Shelly, you know Kevin's not gonn—"


"Okay! Gosh, you don't have to yell at me." I mumbled, shuffling upstairs to see if Kevin would come with me. Even though Kevin wasn't the smartest guy around, he was still nice company. Plus, he was super strong, so if I did encounter a zombie, he could fend it off for me. I'm not very strong...

"Hey Kevin, how've you been?" I asked, stepping into the bedroom-turned-prison. I dunno how Kevin managed to get the huge guest bed out of the tiny room, but the whole floor space was empty, except for the walls. A thin walkway down the center split the room in two.

"Not very good." He replied, throwing a hammer from hand to hand. It wasn't a very smart move. What if the hammer dropped and crushed his foot? But then again, Kevin rarely did anything very intelligent. I just made sure to squeeze myself as far away from his little game as possible, pressing my back against the wall.

My mistake. As soon as I got close to the makeshift divider, Clyde's hand shot out towards me, jolting the entire structure and making the wood tremble.

"AHH!" I yelled, stumbling into Kevin, who was standing behind me. He caught me in his arms, the hammer dropping to the floor and hitting dangerously close to my feet.

"Don't go too close. He wants to eat you."

"I know..."

"Also, I built this. There are holes in between the wood. Don't let him ruin my wall."

"Got it." I said, breathing heavily and staring at the nailed boards. Through the cracks I could see Clyde, who was breathing just as heavily, fixated on the wall that separated him from us. I didn't want to see my friend looking like he did. I really wanted to just report back to Shelly how he was doing. But, by some odd compulsion, my eyes remained glued to the sickly form.

I guess in comparison to some other zombies out there, Clyde didn't look too bad. I'm confident that I could pick him out of a crowd, so he still looked enough like himself, but at the same time it felt horribly wrong. Like an imposter had put on Clyde's skin and was trying to pretend that he was our friend. The zombie looked like Clyde, sure, but he wasn't the same goofy boy I had chatted with last week.

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