39. Kenny Doing What Kenny Does Best

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Huh, looks like I'm not the only one who's back from the dead.

I peered over some lady's shoulder to get a better look at the monitor. They said they wanted me to talk to him later, but Bebe just wouldn't shut up. Clyde and her had been going for hours and didn't show any signs of fatigue. (Did zombies even sleep?)
Bebe had just made the mistake of bringing up Mosquito.

"Wh...whoa! No way! So I was l—like a s-superhero? Sweet!" The audio crackled.

I was crammed in room with an estimate of about a trillion people, all pressing their grubby noses to the feed to get a better look. I was just here because I had nothing better to do. I had checked on Clyde, Clyde was okay-ish, so now I was free to go. Why I was still hanging around was a mystery to me. I dunno, something in my gut told me I should stay, just in case something happens. I dunno what, but was gonna be big. Because of this my nerves were already on edge, so this random dude tapping me on the shoulder really startled me. He looked down at me, seeming very aggravated that his lovely note-taking session was being interrupted by my existence.

"Why don't you go back to your quarters?" He suggested.

"I dunno, it's fun watching you guys act nuts over Clyde. Although it is nice to have him back, even if he's not th—"

"I didn't ask." Huh, rude much?

"Okay, chill out. I'm leaving now..." I grumbled, backing slowly out of the maze of people. I felt bad about leaving, but so what? The only reason I was here was a feeling, that's all. Probably just the eggs I had just eaten screwing with my stomach.

I had just reached the door when the frenzy began. Clyde must have done something very interesting to stir up such a commotion. As people began to scramble to the monitor, I was pinned against the wall, unable to move. Perfect. I tried my best to squeeze my way out, but as soon as I tried another person came in front of me. Great, I guess I should just wait this out. My ear bounced from conversation to conversation, trying to find something interesting to listen to while I waited. However, I got way more than an "interesting" chat behind me. Some dude, he was talking about Craig....

"Yeah, look, Craig Tucker. He's lived in that hick town his whole life. Probably why he's such a loose cannon." Craig? Why were these two scientists mentioning Craig? I was intrigued and wanted to listen in some more, so I restrained myself from pointing out that Craig wasn't a loose cannon. He was only like that when you messed with someone he cares about, which in my opinion, was a completely valid reason to go bonkers. Still, pointing that out would definitely blow my cover, so I kept my mouth shut. Man, I'm like a spy or something! Pretty neat.

"....cares what he thinks? Maybe if we're lucky, he'll bite it in the fight."

"It doesn't sound as good when you say it like that. It's not some spectacle, we just need to get rid of all the zombies at once, that's it. The public are frightened, and we need a way to stop the virus from spreading more than it already has."

"Not to mention it's only fair. Most towns we've only found five zombies max. But South Park? The undead thrive there. It's probably where this whole mess started in the first place. It's only fair that they clean it up."

"Okay, but I still don't understand. Why can't we just take care of it? If we're going to gather all the remaining zombies in the world and get them together, why can't we dispose of them? Why dump them in some town?"

"Well Trent, for starters, h—"

"I thought you were supposed to call me Dr. Woods. We aren't on break and—"

"Yeah, yeah, but who's gonna call us out? Anyway, my point is that we don't have the funds to do that. We'd need to construct a massive incinerator and get them all in there. The government started putting their attention toward other, more 'pressing' matters. Huh, pressing matters my ass. The point is, most of us aren't fighters, and it would take way too long to get rid of all of them by dealing with them one by one."

"Okay...so why not get some adults to do it? They can't be—"

"Trent, listen to me. These kids have been fighting and surviving for weeks. They know how to deal with zombies better than anyone. We've seen them, a hundred more zombies will be a piece of cake, trust me."

"I dunno, it still makes me feel uneasy. They are just kids after all..."

"Trent, suck it up. It's gonna be over in two days anyway. We've already got a lot of the zombies together..." I didn't need to hear anymore. I pushed my way out of the room and walked down the hall to my quarters, my whole body shaking as I went. They don't know...They don't know this is happening. They think that these people are gonna save everyone, but Craig was right. We shouldn't have trusted them. Now, everyone in my town is going to be ambushed. I'll never get to see Karen again. Or any of my friends again.

Wait, you know what? Fuck that noise.

That's not happening. I won't let it. I needed to, at most, warn them that this was going down. They could then prepare, gather supplies, form a plan, and then maybe they just might stand a chance.

I scanned the hall, trying to find a guard that had firearm. My eyes fell on a tiny pistol tucked in the back pocket of some woman. Best of all, her back was turned to me and she was chatting with her friend. Not a very good guard.

I casually walked closer to her, ignoring all the thoughts swirling around my head. I mainly felt bad for Bebe, too. I didn't want to leave her alone, but this was more important. Plus, Bebe had her lover boy back. She'd be fine. I just hope that this time she will treat Clyde like he deserves to be treated and not like some throwaway plaything. It always pissed me off when Bebe hurt Clyde, and Clyde was too stupid to know any better. Clyde wasn't alway the brightest crayon in the cookie jar.

But something told me that this time, she wouldn't do that. After the time I had spent with her, well, she seemed less shitty than I remembered. She seemed more genuine when I talked to her, and when she was talking to Clyde, too. It was a ni—

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?" Fuck. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

"Uh, nowhere... I just wanted to find the restroom, that's all."

"Well, kid, you're walking in the wrong direction. Try going back and then taking the right instead of the left." She said, pointing down the hall with her index finger.

"Oh, okay, thanks!" I said, trying to come up with a plan. Shit, stealth wasn't gonna work, but time was of the essence. I guess stealth didn't matter anymore.

A horribly put-together plan began to form in my head. It was pretty flimsy, but it would have to do.

"Whoa, I'm not...I'm not feeling the best..." I groaned, holding my stomach and wobbling a bit.

"Kid, the bathroom is just around the corner."

"I dunno if I can mak—" Now was the time to act. As I fell onto her, making my body go limp. While she was freaking out and calling for backup, I snuck the gun from her pocket. I took one last glance at everyone yelling at me, everyone aiming their guns at me, threading to shoot if I didn't drop the gun. Huh, jokes on them. I was so used to this it was almost second nature.

Cock it, under the chin, pull the trigger—BANG!

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