22. The Ultamite Super Best Friend (in action!)

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There was just so many people yelling and so much was happening all at once and I didn't even know where I was supposed to be going and I think I even saw some zombies and I didn't want to leave Craig ever again and it made me want to just scream so I did.

"AAAAHHHHH!" I shrieked, running at full speed, trying to just get out as fast as I could.

"WHOA! TWEEK CLAM THE FUCK DOWN BUDDY!" Kenny shouted, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me back, nearly choking me in the process.

"Tweek, just stick next to me, okay? I gotcha." Craig nodded at Kenny. "You, go find out weapons. Take Butters with you, he's tougher than he looks." Butters beamed at the compliment, stepping behind Kenny. "Karen, Token, I want you guys to find Wendy. If the girls really did come as backup, I'll bet you anything Wendy is leading them. Go find her and do whatever she says, she's probably got her shit together. Tweek, you can tag along with me. I'll try to find Kyle and anyone else who might be interested in coming back with us."

Craig had this determined look in his eyes. It shone bright as he gave me a reassuring smile, squeezing my shoulder. He was so perfect...how could someone like him love someone like me? He was like Superman, always so sure and confident and he always knew what to say and what to do. I was, well, just a spaz. A freak who was currently being self-medicated with coffee.

"Okay Craig, good plan." Kenny said as he ran off with Butters. I heard him mutter "We probably should have done that before we barged in like this. This is why I'm not the leader person."

"Come on, Tweek, let's go find Kyle." Craig urged, tugging on my hand as he headed towards the nearest door.

"Where do you think he is?" As we got further and further down the hall, the chaos seemed to increase. People were running everywhere, shouting and yelling, and I had no clue how Craig was still going strong. I was just about ready to pass out, but despite the dark bags under his eyes and the subtle hollowness of his whole face, he still looked amazing. Whenever he got really set on doing something, his hazel eyes would shine with this determination that would just command your attention.

"I dunno, but I'm not leaving without him. We came with him, so we're leaving with him."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a grey-skinned figure fell in front of me, their nails ripping my shirt and coming dangerously close to my skin.


"SHIT!" Craig kicked the zombie away as it clawed at my pant leg. "RUN TWEEK! KENNY WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU BETTER GET ME MY FUCKING BAT!"

We sprinted down the hall, running into various people and things. Finally we found an open classroom door that we ducked into, slamming it shut for a second to catch our breath.

"How...did....walkers..." I heaved between huge gulps of air, despite the fact that the room honestly smelled like crap.

"...dunno..." My eyes began to drift around the room until they fell on a chained prisoner, his body collapsed in a pile on the floor.


"You know Tweek, you don't have to ye—" Craig's eyes landed on the same spot as mine. "HOLY SHIT, KYLE!"

We both rushed towards our friend. Craig began inspecting the bicycle chains that were wrapped around his hands, feet, and then secured to a pole, all padlocked. His jacket, shirt, and pants were all missing. He still had his underpants on, and he wore the gag from earlier in his mouth, but now it had brown chunks on it as well as brown smeared on his face and body and..... oh shit, Kyle had literal crap on him.

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