Chapter 1 Before And After

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Jim's POV: 
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green) 

It was over. Everything. Gunmar, Morgana, all the bad trolls where gone. I stood at the edge of the bridge with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!

"What now master Jim?" Blinky looked up at me. I inhaled deeply.

"HeartStone dead." AAARRRGGHH!! said. I turned to Merlin.

"Can you try to restore the HeartStone?" Merlin paused and looked at me in disbelief.

"Hunter that would be impossible."

Scoffing I said, "Defeating Morgan's was impossible. But we did it. Killing Gunmar was impossible, but we did it. Can you atleast try? Merlin, all trolls are counting on you."

He nodded. Merlin took a second to respond.

"Alright, I'll try." I smiled.

"Great. Everyone this is what we do next. Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!! I need you to gather all trolls and bring them back to trollmarket."

They nodded and immediately disparted. "Merlin, I need you to be down there and try to restore the HeartStone." I turned towards Claire and Toby. "Our priorities now is to make sure everyone in Arcadia is safe."

"They should all be at the school. All the others that didn't make it are hiding at their homes." Claire informed.

"Then that's where we will be going."
My first priority was the people. Not me, not my health, I had to make sure they were okay. Toby, Claire and I began to make our way towards the school. I looked around. Everything was destroyed. The once known 'Arcadia Oaks' is ruined. I must've looked sad because Claire put her hand on my shoulder.

"Everything will be fine. I promise." It took me a second to reply. Was she really right? I don't even know how people would respond to us now that they know. Would they accept us?

"I know." I simply replied. I looked up at the sky to see the sun slightly appear. As we kept walking the school came into view. Nobody was outside. They were all still in the school. I ran towards the building. Claire and Toby followed behind me. I reached the doors and threw them open. Tones of people turned towards the doors. There where a bunch of trolls in the school too. I took a breath. Everyone silenced.

"Everyone, the war is over! It's all safe to come out now!" I promised the people. "Is there any one who was injured?"

People shuffled around then shook their heads. I swarm of replied filled me.

"That's good, right Jimbo?" I looked at Toby.

"Here yes, all the people who didn't make it to the school... don't know." I looked back at the people. Then at the trolls.

"All trolls, I need you to go back to the Market while I sort everything out."

All of the trolls began to slowly make there way out of the crowds and outside. That's when I saw Strickler and Namora. They smiled when they saw me.

"Help the trolls out." I said to them. They nodded. I turned back to the people. They all had worried faces.
"Arcadia, I bet you guys have tons of questions."

The crowd exchanged a lot of nodded and yeses. "I am the Trollhunter. I protect humans and trolls." The only thing I left out was my identity. I inhaled deeply.

"What just happened tonight... this afternoon... tonight... whatever, what happened today was no mistake. It has been planned for centuries. There is a vast civilization under your feet where good trolls live... and evil trolls used to lurk. But now they have met what they deserved. Death. I wish I could have stopped this war. It was supposed to be just the trolls. They brought humans into the fight because they wanted to reclaim the earth."

I paused. "I just wish there was more I could've done to prevent them from destroying Arcadia. But I promise you that us trolls will be more than happy to help rebuild Arcadia." The school burst into applause. Well, that was unexpected... Claire walked up to me.

"We did it!" She said. "The Gum Gums finally won't terrorize us anymore! The war is over! Jim, can you believe it?!" The trolls whom been terrible towards everyone are gone. I put my left hand on Claire's shoulder and my right hand on Toby's.

"What do we do now?" Toby asked.
"I earned Arcadia's trust so now we help rebuild it."

I announced. I turned to the crowd. "Tonight when the sun is down, we will rebuild the city we once knew!" There was more applause. "And in the day, trollmarket." I gently said to Claire and Toby.

Well there you have it! Our first chapter! More to come! Leave a comment on what you guys thought!

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