Chapter 29 The Final Battle (Part 1)

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

I didn't know how long we where walking for. We must've been walking for quite a while because Toby finally spoke up,

"Hey Jim? Jimbo?" The group stoped in there tracks. "Can we take just a second to rest?"

I glanced at all the team. Steve, Eli, Claire, Toby, Mary, Darci, Blink, AAARRRGGHH!!!, and of course me. They all seem exhausted.

"Yeah. Yes of course Tobes." He was wearing his armor Merlin had made for the war, as was Claire. "Rest up guys, it's not going to be a fun night." The group sat except for Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, and I.

"We should almost be there. Maybe just a half a mile left," Eli said, pulling out the map from his bag pack. A couple of ninja stars fell out.

Merlin stayed at my house. He said he will try to bring Angor back to life with all of his power. After all, he did say that he will forever be in my service.

The forest was a quiet place. You could hear birds in the distance singing there songs to one another. The crickets chirped for all to hear, if they where brave enough to enter the woods this time of night. But that was it. Nothing else seeped there ways into joining them.

The team was absolutely quiet. I knew they where all worried for what's to come. Maybe even terrified. I could tell Mary and Darci where, for they didn't have such a good experience of fighting. And I was too.

Deep down, I could just hear a little voice inside begging to go back. Pleading that this was a bunch of nonsense and we are waisting our time. But that voice is only as quiet and as lifeless as everything else in this forest.


"Wow. It's like a secret hideout!" Eli exclaimed excitedly.

"No duh buttsnack! What else do you think it is?"

"Shh!" I scolded at Eli and Steve. "They will know where here! Stay low."

The building was actually not as big as I planned. It seemed at least a half a mile long. But it was super wide. There where barb wired fences, and only one opening where there where guards there. There where guards everywhere. By the doors, by the fence... whatever is in here, they don't want any one finding it.

"Jim are you sure you want to do this?" I looked at her pleadingly.

"Claire what other choice do we have?" she exhaled deeply.

"Alright here is the plan..."


Steve Eli and I made our way to the entrance. I hid behind the stand while Steve and Eli walked up to the guard by it.

"H-hey. W-we are here to talk to the boss... about... um..."

"About his business," Steve cut Eli off.

The man just looked at Steve and Eli like there where idiots. As quiet as I could I opened the door to the back. I was directly behind the man.

"How did you find this place?" He said sternly.

"Look behind you," Steve said. The man did so. Immediately the mans face was full of fear. But before he could reach for his gun, I punched him so hard in the face, he fell down and didn't even move. I put a pained expression on my face.

"Dude you could've killed him," I looked at Steve as a your next look when he said that.

"Quick open the gates!" Eli whispered.

"Alright! I just..." I looked at the control panel and began to press buttons. Eventually there was a loud screech and the gates opened. I leaped out of the window.

"That was awesome! Let's do that again!" Eli said joyfully.

"We will have enough of that opportunity, but for now..." I made Eclipse form in my hand. Then I pointed it at the light to create a flash to single the others that we could begin stage two of the plan.

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