Chapter: 31 The Final Battle (Part 3)

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

"I told you I would always be your doom," Morgana laughed evilly as if she had never been sent to the Shadow Realm during the big battle between Gunmar and I.

"Dad?" I started, raising my hand out at him as a failed attempt at stopping him from doing something that he would regret. "Dad. Please. Listen. I'm trying to tell you that I'm on your side. You don't need to fight me."

"Pfft," he said. Only thrusting Daylight at me with more gusto. "And since when did you call me dad? Now to mention it, why should I even believe you-"

"Because I have what you want," I answered. And for a second, just a second, he lowered Daylight. Me with Eclipse. "Gunmar's remains? Well, they're outside waiting for you right here. Just let me show you-"

"He's a Trollhunter, James. Why you should you even trust the child? Merlin's Champion," Morgana asked. More like cackled.

Then, the last thing I expected, James turned around to glare at her in defense of me and said, "Then what am I? If anything, you can also call me a Trollhunter..."

"There can only be one Trollhunter," I said.

My dad turned back to me. "Unless you stand by my side. Together as father and son. Daylight and Eclipse. Two parts of a whole. What do you say, Jim?" He asked. A smirk forming on his face. A smirk of pride.

And as much as I didn't want to, I also knew that there was no other way. The plan had to go on. And so did my vision.

"JIM. NO!" A voice suddenly shouted from the doorway behind me.

I turned to see Claire standing there. Desperation in her eyes as I realised that she had just heard the whole thing.

"Jim, please! You can't do this. This isn't who you are!" The words hit me like a bucket of ice cold water waking me up from a bad dream. My vision. So this is what it all came down to?

That's when I pieced it all together. It had never been warning me of turning bad. No. What it had been about instead was showing me a way out of this. Showing me a plan to bypass James and his clever ways of luring me to him under his various discenchantments.

For a moment, all time seemed to come to a standstill. I looked at Claire and she looked back at me. She might have been acting right now, but even then I couldn't let anything get my guard down so that James wouldn't see past our planned- out act.

Outside, in the corridors, I could hear the others still fighting their way through the guard's forces and the guards themselves.

"Morgana won't harm you, Jim. She gave me her word. If it means raising Gunmar. She's on our side," he explained to me in my subconscious. Meaning that a part of me was torn between him and the other part of me was torn between Claire.

"Then come with me," I said.

I walked out before James could say otherwise. Morgana followed. Giving Claire the death glare on the way.

"It's just outside. One right and two lefts...? No. Two rights and one... aagh, Jim. You were never good at remembering things," I said to myself out of frustration when James suddenly took the lead and showed us the way out.

Time for step three.

I was lucky that night had fallen by the time James laire took us outside back into the forest.

"Okay. We're here. Now if you are really on my side, give them to me," James commanded which only made me smirk.

"Is that a threat?" I gloated. Placing my hands on my hips as I did. While I may be troll, that hadn't mean I had lost some of my own human Jimbo mannerisms.

Because I knew what was coming next. "Jim?" My dad was getting angrier. And so was Morgana. I wasn't surprised. She was after all, a witch with too many metaphors as Toby had described for us. Speaking of... Eli, Steve, Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!!, Mary and Darci... where were they? And Merlin...?

Suddenly the most unexpected thing happened and in a wild blur, another troll assassin came flying out over me, charging towards Morgana. There was a strike and a slash and I heard Morgana cry out before Claire started charging at her with her Staff. "Die witch!" She yelled. That meant Toby and the others must still be inside.

Once Morgana was down for the time being, the assassin took his chance to turn around and look at me. There was no a doubt about who it was. But it was him. And it had been because of Merlin. "Need some help, Hunter?" He asked. I couldn't be more relieved to see him alive and well. Only for the third time.

It was Angor Rot. "Angor!" I said. "Thank goodness. Your timing couldn't have been better."

"Well, it's good to be back, Trollhunter," he said before resuming the fight with Morgana and Claire.

That just left me for James who when I next looked back at him, was shell-shocked and almost in disbelief until he put that uncaring facade back up on his face and said, "I should have known. Known that you would never side with me. And why would you? After everything that I have done. You're a troll. You're not even Jim Lake anymore."

"That's not true," I told him bitterly. Raising Eclipse in both hands up at him. "I am the Trollhunter. And I will stop you. I stopped Bular. I stopped Angor. I stopped Gunmar. You're think you're the only one who can raise the dead? Well, think again," I said.

Never had I heard my voice sound so deadly intimidating. Especially to a man like my father who, if I didn't know any better, backed up a little out of fear at my strong tone of authority that had come from being the Trollhunter I am now. Until his eyes suddenly softened and he cracked a smile. One that showed no sign of caring or fatherly love.

"Ah... but you forget, Jim. It's not you who bears Daylight anymore," he said.

"We will see about that," I said.

"Do your worst," he said.

The fight was on.

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