Chapter 6 Like Father Like Son

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

I wasn't sure where I was when I woke up. All I knew is that I was no longer in Trollmarket. The place that had become my home. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

"Oh good. You're awake," a familiar voice said. The voice that had spoken before I had fallen unconscious. "You know, at first I didn't believe in the existence of Trolls. Until we tranquilised you and that other six-eyed stoned breed. But now with you here, and as James's very own son so to speak... well I will be damned. Looks like your kind does exist after all-"

"Okay. That's enough, Helen," another voice said, causing me to look up and then give out a growl in warning when I saw who else was here with us. "Now Jim," James said.

"But sir," a third voice called from the door. "I thought you agreed to put him in the freezeover-"

"Not until I have a word with my son," James said.

"Your son?" I spat. "How can you call me your son after what you did to us? After what I am?"

"Because Jim. We are blood, whether you like it or not. And being a troll doesn't change that. I know you defeated Gunmar, Jim. I know why you chose this life," he said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "The last time you saw me I was five. Not even. So why don't we just get on with it then, ha? What do you want, James?"

He smiled at that. And cunningly if I might add. "Your amulet," he said.

"What?" I asked. Because out of all things that was the last thing I expected.

"Yes, you heard me. And one way or another, you will give it up. The Darkness will give you no choice," he said.

"The Darkness?" I said uncertainly. "What Darkness? What are you saying?"

"You will see. According to what I can hypothesis, the Darkness is already doing its job. Soon, it will corrupt you and you won't have any idea who you are anymore that you will do anything I say-"

"But the amulet can't be taken off," I protested. "Trust me. I've tried. Without some form of magic, I-"

"You will give it to me, Trollhunter. Like I said. You will soon have no choice. Mark my words, James Lake Jr." Then, "Take him to the freezeover. And keep him there until he learns his lesson."

Oh, how I really hated my father. And just as I had promised to help rebuild Arcadia, here I am. Captive by my own dad and where... I still wasn't sure.

All I did know, was that my friends didn't know what had happened to me except for Blinky. But what was worse, was that I didn't know if they were okay or not either. One thing that the woman, Helen, had said bothered me though. She had called me a troll. But I wasn't a troll.

And I was going to prove that to them. I was the Trollhunter. So while two more guards grabbed me by the arms and horns again, I did everything in my power to fend them off.

But something was making me weak. The more energy I used, the less I seemed to have. That was when I realised that James did something to me. "I will see you again soon, Trollhunter," James sneered.

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