Chapter 26 Optimism Is Hard, But Worth It

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James's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

It was time to set her free. The Pale Lady. I know it seems unreal, but believe it or not, we did have a history.

It was back then that I promised her I would bring her back if anyone would ever condemn her back to the Shadow Realm. Just as that girlfriend of my son, Claire Nûnez had. Smashing her staff into bits and locking her away forever.

Looking at the amulet clutched in my hand, I smiled. Jim may still have the Eclipse Sword, but never again will he be able to wield Daylight.

James... a voice from the amulet suddenly spoke out. Lake.

That's when I knew. "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command," I said.

Never having been the Trollhunter before, it was quiet a sight to behold and experience at the same time as I got lifted up into the air as the blue shining armour shaped itself around me. Now Jim wouldn't stand a chance. He may be my son. I didn't hate him. I never did. And I still don't. I just want him with me when Gunmar rises. To show him that evil is not what he thinks it is.

And when I free Morgana, I can convince her to not harm him, but Merlin since it wasn't Jim's fault that Morgana's left hand was taken. Plus, when she is freed, she will have to put up with me too. Considering that I am the new Trollhunter.

"Sir," a voice said from the door to my room. I looked up at my assistant. An Impure with a mask on his face. "The Staff. It's ready."

The Staff. While Claire's Staff had been destroyed in the battle, my team had been trying to build another one for the past month. I would not back down on my promise now.

Thanking him silently, I followed him out of my sleeping quarters towards a bare room which will be the place where we will free Morgana and resurrect Gunmar. If Jim won't be his Dark Champion, then I will.

The only reason we were able to make another Shadow Staff was because after the battle, my associates had collected as many pieces of the broken Staff as they could find.

Looking at the empty room before me, I thrusted my hand out and using determination as my emotion, a portal opened up.

It was a few seconds till a hand struggled it's a way out. A hand covered in gold armour. Slowly clawing at the opening of the black swirling mass.

Next thing I knew is that she was out. And looking at me. "Azazazuth-Kinekh-Thoon!"

Her new Staff flung out of my hand like magic and then just like that, she had it again.

"Morgana," I said.

Jim's POV:

"Mary and Darci?" I asked. Then, "Mary and Darci!"

"What? Don't look so surprised," Darci said.

"Yeah. You think just because we don't have a sword like you or katana skills like Claire, we can't help?" Mary asked.

"I can't believe this is what you've been hiding the whole time," Darci added. Clearly still in disbelief at my appearance.

"Not to mention a troll," Mary said.

"Half troll," I corected.

"So what's the plan then, Darc?" Toby asked. "I mean, Claire obviously brought you two here for a reason, right?"

"To create a diversion. Yes," Darci answered.

I just raised my eyebrows at them. I know I shouldn't be judging. But then again, so to speak, they had never really been in battle before unlike Claire and Toby.

"While we try to find a way in, you can sneak in to give James Gunmar's ruins, Jim," Claire explained. "As for Eli and Steve, they will be around to cut out all the security cameras."

"I do like computers," Eli said. Steve bumped his shoulder teasingly at that.

"Who knows...? We may be a bigger distraction than you think for whatever guards may be there standing at your father's laire," Mary smirked. "We have the looks after all."

"Um... Why do you call it a laire?" Toby asked.

"Well, he is someone that we're trying to stop, isn't he?" Mary said.

"I still can't believe that this is what you've been going through, Jim. Having to live two lives at once? That must have been crazy," Darci said.

I wasn't sure how to answer her. "Hap-tu. We better get going then if we don't James to think that we're up to anything suspicious. He needs to be convinced that Jim is on his side," Claire said. "And that's before the Darkness can take control of Jim again."

I looked at her and smiled. Thankful for her optimism. Just not thankful of what was about to come.

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