Chapter 22 Trust

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Jim's POV:
(Written by @Kodbro)

I didn't know what had gotten into me. I don't even remember attacking Steve when I woke up that morning only to find my hands tied behind the back of a chair.

Great. Speaking of where I was...

"Well here I was beginning to think that we were going to be here all day," a familiar voice suddenly said. Arousing me completely as I had recognised it.

My father. James. He saw the loath that I held for him in my eyes and resumed before I could object to anything. "Oh don't worry. It seems as if your friends abandoned you... just as I thought they would."

"What do you mean?" I asked. At least I could still talk.

He looked at me from the other end of the table. "They were scared of you, you see? So they left you which was where I come in. Don't you see, Jim? Your friends don't care about you. In fact, if anything they weren't sure how to handle your darkness."

That got me scared. "My darkness?" I asked. This was all so messed up.

"The Darkness which you're going to use to help me get what I want. Unlike your friends, I care for you Jim. I always have. You're my son after all. Even if you are a troll now," he explained.

"Half troll," I said.

"And half human. Yes. I know. Call yourself what you want, but thanks to your two friends, I know where to find the ruins of Gunmar. Which just leaves you to collect them for me and thanks to you, I already have Daylight."

"But my friends would never leave me," I said. "Not after everything we have been through."

"I guess that's the funny thing about friends then, isn't it?" James asked me. "One minute they're there for you and then the next... they're not. Don't worry now though. Because unlike them, from now on, you have me Jim. Didn't you always want that? To have a dad again?"

I did. I will admit. But then there was also still my hatred for him that I had to take into account for. He hurt my mom. He hurt me. That's something I could never forgive. "Just let me in Jim and when Gunmar rises, I promise that he will not harm you. If anything, you will be his Dark Champion just as he always wanted you to be. I saw you fighting Toby back in the forest, Jim. Don't think I wasn't there. And I know a part of you still hates Steve."

I didn't want to say it. But at the same time, what if everything that James was telling me was true? What if I had been trusting the wrong people my whole life? That was when I just happened to remember that vision of me standing next to my father with a smirk on my face staring at something that looked like Killahead Bridge.

I had been proud in that vision. Happy and content. Claire was telling me to stop. That what we were doing wasn't right. "What do you want me to do then?" I asked.

James grinned.

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