Chapter 2 Present And Future

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Jim's POV: 
(Written by @Mad_Be_Green)

Claire, Toby, and I stood at the entrance of trollmarket with a horngazle in my hand. I drew a semi-circle and pressed my hands up against it. The entrance opened, and we walked in. Trolls after trolls were already rebuilding there shops. As we walked by, the trolls didn't even notice. They where to busy rebuilding. But they where all working together.

We made our way to the Hearthstone to find Merlin. The Hearthstone was grey and lifeless. It's remains where scattered.

"Do you think he can restore it?" Toby asked.

"I hope so. We depend on it. Blinky said without the Hearthstone, trolls will turn into stone."

"Look there is Merlin!" Claire said pointing to Merlin. It looked like he was looking for something. We made out way to him.

"How is it going?" I asked him. He looked up at me, then used his staff to help him up.

"I'm afraid Hunter that I can't restore the Hearthstone without a piece of a living one." I felt like my heart just skipped four beats.

"But there must be some Hearthstone left in the debri." I said desperately. Merlin nodded.

"I know that there must be a tiny piece somewhere."

I didn't even know what to think. There cannot be a Trollmarket without a Hearthstone... or trolls.
"We have to find a piece. Even if it takes all day." I said forcefully.

"Wait a minute." Merlin said, "the horngazle!" I held out my hand and he took it from me. "At Last!" he said.

"What it's not piece of the Heartstone is it?" Toby asked. Merlin held out the horngazle and broke the crystal. Then he held it up.

"Hunter," he said, "Trollmarket is saved yet again." I couldn't help but to smile.

Maybe I'll consider forgiving Merlin about turning me into a troll. Maybe... Merlin held the crystal up and began to chant.

"Takaklar embruzie nofre canzata takaklar." The Heartstone began to glow it's beautiful orange-ish color. Merlin kept chanting and the heartstone began to repair itself.

"He's doing it!" Toby yelled. When the Heartstone was fully recovered I noticed trolls gathered around the Heartstone. But unfortunately we were unable to go closer because of the sunlight from the hole in the ground... more like ceiling for us.

"Hunter, I believe this belongs to you." Merlin said snapping me out of my thought. Merlin walked into the part where the sunlight wasn't hitting. He held up the broken sword of daylight.

"Daylight." I said as Merlin slowly repaired it. The swords pieces fell into their proper place. It was fixed. I grabbed the sword and placed it on my back. That's when I felt something on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my mom. I immediately hugged her.

"I'm so glad your safe mom." I whispered.

"Me too, kiddo." She said. Finally after a couple seconds we let go.

"How did you get into-"

"Blinky." She cut off. "Honey, you don't look so good." She said wiping some of my hair out of my face. I smiled sadly.

"Mom, I'm fine I promise. I... we just ended a war. We all are going to have a few bruises and..." I trailed off. My smile faded.

It's so hard to forget that I'm a troll. I can't be in the sun, I can't eat dinner. The life I once knew is gone... heck! I can't even go to school! And now I promised Arcadia that I will help rebuild it. A whole entire city! And to add onto my troll catastrophe, is the war. I'm glad it's over. No I am more than glad, but the nightmares and the battle will haunt me forever.

It was the most frightening thing in my life. Getting chucked across Arcadia, battling blood thirsty trolls and Morgana. How can I forget?! And I thought that battling my own clones would require ten years of therapy. And now I'm supposed to get used to wearing a trolls armour and skin forever. What do I do? What can I do?

"Honey is there something wrong?" My mother asked. I desperately wanted to tell her everything I just thought of.

"No. Everything is fine," I lied. I began to walk off. Needing just a little time to myself won't hurt. I just need to think, to clear my mind.

"Jimbo! Wait! What's going on?" Toby said running up to me.

"Tobes, please. I just need time to myself too think. Think about the new me, the war... the Future." Toby stopped in his tracks.

"Oh... okay." He simply said.

I walked the rest of the way to The Heroes Forge. Then I sat on the edge of the stairs witch lead to the other exit. I leaning against the wall and inhaled. Now what? I asked myself. I can't do this by myself. Every troll and human counts on the to restore our home.


"You have been in here for two hours." I looked up to see Strickler walking towards me. I didn't even bother responding. Instead, I put my head in my knees and my hands on my horns. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Why do I even want to talk to him? He after all tried to kill me multiple times, and he tries to date my mother! But he is the only one who is or was human and troll. Like me...

"Oh nothing," I said looking up at him, "I mean I totally wasn't in a war with Gunmar AND Morgana, witch I got my butt kicked. AND now I'm expected to help rebuild Arcadia and Trollmarket. And after that, I have no life because I die if I'm in the sun, I can't eat a normal dinner, I can't even go to school. So ya, nothing is wrong. I'm perfectly fine."

Strickler seemed shocked by my sarcasm. He stood right by the stairs. Strickler frowned. It took him a moment to reply.

"We are all in this together," He said. "Blinky, Toby, Claire... everyone. We all where in the war, and we all will help rebuild Arcadia and Trollmarket." Strickler sighed. "It will be hard, yes. And we can all agree on it. But sometimes we just need a break. We understand if you need some time to yourself. But I just want to let you know that if there is anything you want to talk about, your friends and family is waiting."

Strickler slowly turned around and began to walk away. I was actually surprised about Stickler's words. He was right. Everyone was in the battle. We were all involved. It wasn't just me. And right now the human world and the troll world needed the TrollHunter.

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