Chapter 13

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Aaron POV

"Are you going to tell me what is going on? Why does she need me?" Mariah asked me.

"She is going through something really hard right now. Her mom is getting married with Veronica's uncle and her dad just died two months ago." I said and Mariah was just looking at me.

"Really Aaron?" She said.

I was a little confused.

"What?!?!" I said.

"You couldn't make something up more believable." She said while raising her eyebrows.

"WHAT?!?!?"I yelled and stopped the car.

"Mariah, this is for real. She needs you more than anything." I said.

"Really?!?!?" She said looking surprised.

I start driving to Veronica's house.

Mariah called Veronica to tell her that we are outside her house. We were waiting outside her house. Her mom and her step dad were sitting on the couch. I saw Veronica walking downstairs. When she opened the door, she ran to Mariah's arm. She was crying so much. She really misses her dad and what her mom did is not right.

Mariah hugged her tightly. It hurts me seeing Veronica like this. I wanted to hug her so bad. I wanted to tell her that everything is going to be alright.

"I'll go home." I said while turning around and they pull away.

"Aaron." Veronica said while holding my hand.

"Thank you." She said while hugging me and I hugged her back. We pull away and she kisses my cheek.

Mariah and Veronica walk inside her house. I walked to car and drove home.

Veronica POV

After I hugged Aaron, I felt better like if as my problems disappeared.

Mariah and I walked inside the house. I saw my mom and my uncle in the living room.

We started to walk upstairs.

"Veronica." My mom said standing up from the couch.

I just turned around.

"You didn't ask me for permission, did you??" She said while crossing her arms.

"Oh well, she's already here." I said.

"Veronica, stop giving me this attitude." My mom said.

"I'm sorry." I said very sarcastically.

"Veronica, please don't be rude with your mother." My uncle said.

"Mariah, go to my room. It's the one on the right." I said and she nodded. She walks to my room.

"Uncle, I don't want to be rude or anything but please don't get involved." I said.

"Veronica, you need to understand that I had to move on." She said while getting closer to me.

"But my dad just died two months ago. Also, how about my aunt??" I said.

"She wants a divorce." My uncle said.

"I can't believe you guys are doing this to my cousins. They need a father to play with them and to help them with homework.........." I said. I felt tears going down my cheeks.

"After my dad's death, I'm by myself. My mom never pays attention to me. She never helps me. I'm alone most of the time." I said and my mom was getting closer to me to hug me.

"No, please don't touch me." I said while running upstairs.

I ran to my room and I shut my door closed.

Mariah was sitting on my bed. When she saw me, she ran to me. I rest my back on the wall and start to go down til I'm sitting on the floor. I then put my knees on my chest.

Mariah sat down next to me and hugs me while rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm here for you, ok." She whispers in my ear.

I nod and then I closed my eyes.

30 minutes later, Mariah woke me up to lay down on my bed.

We got up from the floor and walked to my bed.

I laid down in bed and then she lays right next to me.

Aaron POV

I got home and walked to my room. Dylan was sitting on my bed.

"Dylan?!?! What are you doing here??!!" I asked surprised.

"I came to talk with your dad and he told me to stay here." He said.

"Oh ok, that's fine with me." I said while throwing my keys on my drawer."

"Why you never told me??" He asked me. I knew where this conversation was going.

"About what??" I asked confused.

"That you like Veronica." He said while smiling.

"I don't know, it's just hard to explain. I used to bully her but now I'm falling for her." I said sitting in front of him.

"Aaron, I'm your best friend. You should've told me." He said.

"I know, I know, I should've told you sooner. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's alright, I mean I knew since a long time ago." He said and I turned to him.

"How did you know??" I asked.

"Aaron, it's so obvious. That's why Noah asked you some days ago. I told him to." He said while laughing.

"Let's go to sleep." I said handling him a pillow and a blanket so he can lay down on my couch in my room.

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