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Shen Yue is one of the biggest actresses in her generation to date. She is well known not just in China but also internationally. 8 years in showbizness and she has already achieved so much from back to back box office hits in dramas and movies, acting awards from different prestigious award giving agencies, left to right endorsements, print ads and photoshoots to amazing supporters. Name it and she got it all.

A lot of her contemporaries are jealous of how she got all of those in just a short period of time. But Shen Yue or Yue to her friends just couldn't care less. They don't know what she had to sacrifice for her to achieve what she has now.


Another busy day for Shen Yue since it's almost the airing of her new tv drama series "First Love" where she got to pair with the actor Song Wei Long. It's promotion time and they have to do their job.

"So the title of your new drama series is First love right?" the interviewer asked.

Yue and Wei Long smiled and nodded politely.

"So how was the filming of the drama?"

"It was actually great. Working with an amazing actress like Yue makes the job much easier" Wei Long answered sincerely

"Oh thank you for the compliment Wei Long. You are amazing too." Yue responded feeling awkward.

Because during their filming of the drama Wei Long was very straight forward that she likes Yue but she has no time for entertaining admirers.

"So in connection to the title of your drama. Have you experienced already being in love? So how was the experience of being in love for the first time feels like?"

Shen Yue clutched her hands with the question. How was the experience of being in love for the first time feels like? She closed her eyes as she remembered everything. The overflowing of emotions, the happiness and the heartaches in brought to her.

Wei Long answered the question first. He talked about how he fell for this girl in  his highschool years and how their relationship ended.

"Wow. That was heartbreaking!" the interviewer commented on Wei Long's story. "How about you Shen Yue?"

Yue was snapped back into reality when the interviewer mentioned her name.

"Ahmm." she was hesitant to answer at first. It would be her first time to talk about her love life. Everyone knows she's a very private person. "Yes. I already fell in love."

The interviewer was expecting Yue to ditch the question but to her surprise she got a direct answer from Shen Yue. That was new.

"Oh really? Can we talk about it now? Since the question is really relevant to your drama right? Just a little information about it will do." the interviewer bargained.

Yue sighed. A little information won't hurt right? That's what she thought.

"Ahm yes. I have already fallen in love. We met sometime ago. He was someone not of my type actually." she smiled as she remembered the childish and arrogant male lead of her drama series that was aired in 2018.

"He was so childish, arrogant and overbearing. Never thought i would fall for such kind of guy. I was always into silent, sweet and gentle kind of guy or that's what i thought." she laughed at her answer.

"So what happened between you and your first love? Was it an unrequited love?" the interviewer was being nosy..

Shen Yue smiled and answered the question whole heartedly. She's ready for this she thought.

"Actually me and my first love became a couple. We lasted for 2 years. But eventually decided to end it." her heart ached. "We broke up not because we don't love each other anymore but because it was the right thing to do." she managed to fake a smile.

The interviewer wanted to ask more but Yue interrupted her.

"I think that's enough information about my first love." she said politely.

The interviewer respected Yue as she stopped asking questions related to Yue's first love.

The interview went well. Despite being awkward about Wei Long giving hints to everyone that he's pursuing her, Yue still managed to subtly decline his confession in a polite way.


Yayy!! Please follow me on twitter @DiYueFanfic

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