Chapter 14

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It was already past 12 am and the guests from Darren's engagement party were already going home except for his and his fiancee's close friends.

Yue doesn't really know Darren's fiancee personally. But they have met somewhere in the past during an awarding event.

"Hi are you all having fun?" Darren's fiancee went to their table and had a little chat with them.

"Yes we are. Congratulations!" Xize answered.

"Congrats brother!" Dylan went up to Darren's fiancee and hugged her.

Seems like Dylan was close to Darren's fiancee.

"Thank you Didi! Darren and I bought your favorite chocolate cake!"

"Haha. thanks bro!"

What? Dylan likes chocolate cake? When did he start liking chocolate cake?

Yue pouted as she realized that she doesn't really know much about Dylan anymore. Before, she used to know all his friends and contacts. She used to know all his favorites. Things has really changed.

The group were happily chatting about how their first taping for the show in which they were invited went well. They talked about how they were all so competitive. Reminiscing their funny moments gained so much laughter.

Yue was laughing with the group when Dylan went to her and sat beside her. Yue froze from her seat. Everyone just continued chatting not minding the two of them.

"Are you enjoying the party?" Dylan asked.

"Mm.. yes. I miss this kind of bonding with the group." Yue answered. She was referring to their group of friends from Meteor Garden.

"I miss this too." Dylan intertwined his fingers to Yue. Holding her hand tightly. Seems like her world has stopped. She can't hear anything other than her heart beating wildly. Always the Dylan Effect on her.

Yue stared at their hands for awhile then to his face. He always has this unpredictable expression. She wanted to know what's running on his mind but she doesn't want to ruin the moment. What's important was him beside her. And that's all that matter to her at the moment.

The two of them were unnoticeable because they were seated at the farthest corner where lights were dimmed. They were just there feeling each other's presence. No talking. Just holding each other's hand and him caressing her hand with his thumb.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?"

Yue was taken aback with Dylan's question. She didn't know what to say. She really wanted to say yes but afraid they might get so much attention. She knew there were paparazzis outside.

"We'll used the fire exit if you're hesitant to go out because of the paparazzis." Dylan said
Guessed he knows her too well.

Yue smiled and nodded. Actually she didn't really care about those papz but Dylan's suggestion was better.

Dylan stood up still holding Yue's hand and guided her to the fire exit. They were so rude that they didn't bid goodbye to their friends or even to the newly engaged couple.

"Look how rude those two to us! They didn't even say goodbye!" Darren joked that made the group laugh.

"They'll face us later on but this time let them face their problems and feelings first." Jia Qi commented. Genuinely happy for her friends.

"Yes. Hoped they'll patch up things between them."  Xize was happy for his friends too.

"5 long years of being away with each other is enough sacrifice for them. Hoped their hearts get what it truly desire." Connor added.

Everyone just smiled and couldn't agree more.

Love is all about guts. If you have it, then fight with the world. Afterall, true love is always worth fighting for.. 😊

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