Chapter 17

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It's already been two months since Dylan and Yue got back together. They already told some important people about their relationship. Their family, close friends and managers already know about it. They were all supportive of them. For the fans and the public they're slowly dropping hints.

Dylan asked his agency for a 1 week leave from work since he already finished filming his latest movie. His agency didn't fail him and approved his vacation leave.

Yue on the other hand has to finish few more interviews before she can take her vacation leave.

"Manager, can i finish all my interviews in 1 day?" she asked her manager.

"You have 2 more interviews left. I think we can call both show to come over today." her manager smiled at her.

"Really? Thank you!" she gave her manager a tight hug.

"Ehem.." her manager faked a cough. "Seems like our Yue is so excited to take her vacation leave." she teased Yue.

"What? mmm.. just a little bit." Yue lied. Because the truth is she's super duper mega excited! Vacation leave means more time with Dylan. And they have already plan a vacation trip.

She was snapped out of her happy thoughts when her manager talked. "Yue we will support you on everything. But please be careful. You know fans can be possesive." she said sincerely.

Yue smiled and noodded. "I'll be extra careful."

The interviews went well that day for Yue. She had finished all 2 in one day! Which means they can now go on their 1 week vacation trip.

Dylan parked his car outside the building of Yue's agency. He promised her he'll pick her up after her interviews. And so he did.

There were already fans gathered outside the building. Based on their leaflets and cute banners they are his girlfriend's fans. He smiled at the thought that they are all supportive to her.

"Hello?" Dylan immediately answered Yue's call.

"Love? where are you? I'm already done with my interview. I'm on my way out alrady."

"I'm already here love. I'll moved my car near the entrance so you can enter the car easily."

"Love, just park your car on the entrance but let's not make some commotion please. Just don't get out of your car. Fans are here." her voice was pleading.

He sighed. Are they doing it again? Hiding their relationship to the public?

"Okay love. As you wished."

Dylan followed what Yue told him to do. He parked his car near the entrance and waited for her to come out.

Dylan's flashy car caught the fans' attention but it diverted immediately to Yue when she stepped out of the glass door.

She interacted with fans for a while and bid goodbye after. She waived her hands to them before going inside her boyfriend's car.


"Dylllaannn!! Stop!" Yue laughed as her boyfriend keeps on kissing her. They were on her unit to pack her things for their vacation. "How am i suppose to finish packing if your flirting with me all night?"

Dylan just showed his boyish smile not minding his girlfriend's rants. He continued pinning her on the bed showering her kisses.

"Dy..lan" She said almost in whisper.

Yue bit her lips as his kisses becomes deeper. She held on Dylan's shirt tightly for support. She was actually lying on the bed but her body was trembling from the anticipation and excitement. He's the only one who can affect her feel those things.

They were already so into it when Dylan talked.

"Alright. Alright. Let's finish packing first." Dylan stood up and grabbed Yue's arm to help her stand up as well.

Yue's face turned red. "Hey! What? Aren't we.. mm.." her thoughts were haywired. "..going to.. mmm."

"What?" He laughed at her funny reaction.

She can now feel her cheek heat up.

"mmm.. no. Nothing! Okay. Let's start packing."

She was about to grab some clothes when Dylan hugged her from behind. He was laughing non stop.

That was when she realized that his stupid childish boyfriend did that on purpose. What an idiot!

"Dyyylllaaannnn! Did you prank me?!"

Dylan laughed harder and started running when his girlfriend started throwing things at him.

"You stupid Dylan Wang!"

Being in love with each other doesn't mean you always have to be lovers. Sometimes you just have to be friends. Talk like bestfriends, play like kids, argue like husband and wife and protect each other like siblings.

Dylan and Yue are two lucky souls who have found their lover and bestfriend in each other.😊

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