Chapter 9 & 10

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Yue is shooting for an endorsement ad today. She is sitting on her make up chair for some retouch.

"Miss Yue! Why is your skin so beautiful?" the make up artist complimented. Yue remembered her she was the make up artist who fangirled over Dylan in an interview few years ago.

"Thank you for the compliment" she said politely.

Yue was given 20 minutes break before they resume shooting. She was busy scrolling her phone when the make up artist started screaming.

"Oh myyyy gooodddd! Dylan Wang is shooting inside the next studio!!" she was jumping and fanning her face to calm down.

Yue was startled. Not because of the make up artist's loud screams but with the thought that Dylan is just one studio away from her.

Okay. She's being paranoid again. As if they haven't see each other after their break up. They are showbiz people! Ofcourse they'll meet in showbiz functions like award ceremonies, concerts, showbiz parties and even tv guestings. But they'll ignore each other as much as possible.

She was relieved when the director cued that they're going to start in 5 minutes. She needed distraction. She doesn't want to think much about  him.

Yue finished the last sequence of the endorsement shoot successfully. The director and staffs praised her for a job well done.

She was busy thanking everyone when someone entered the door. It was Dylan. Yue frozed from where she was standing. What is he doing here? she thought.

Dylan was busy exchanging "Hi(s) and hello(s)" to everyone.

Yue was just there standing as she stared at the most favorite guy inside the studio now.

"Dylan! How are you?" the director asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Dylan smiled.

It melted her heart seeing Dylan smiled. It's still one of her weaknesses.

"Yue! Let's go?" her manager approached her. Yue nodded. Her manager assisted her in going out of the studio.

Dylan seems oblivious that she's there. He was happily chatting with everyone but didn't even give a single glance at her.

Why does it still make her sad? They're ignoring each other for years now! She should have got used to it.

Yue turned her back one more time and glanced at the studio where she just left. How time flies.. she realized that it has been 5 years since their mutual break up. But she's still holding into their promise.

"Someday, we will choose us." she smiled at the thought.

"Yue are you ok?" her manager asked her.

"Yes. I'm fine." she smiled at her manager and proceed in entering the car.

Yue was talking to her manager about her schedules when her phone vibrated.

FROM: Wang The Little Prince
Happy to see you today. I miss you.

Yue smiled. As if she didn't expect this. Dylan was very true to his words when he said he'll text her, call her and give her gifts just to remind her how much he loves her. He's really keeping that promise. It makes her heart full.

"So you'll guest in this new variety show to promote your drama. Actually you'll be one of their regular guest until the show ends." her manager said.

"Regular guest? What kind of variety show is that?"

"They said it's a game show. There will also be other regular guests in that show." her manager explained.

Yue loves shooting in variety shows where she got to meet new friends and even old friends. She likes it when she's just herself. No acting. No scripts.

"Whoow. I'm excited! Hope to meet some old  acquaintances there!" she said happily.

Her manager nodded and took a look at the paper she's holding.

"I guessed you're right. You'll be meeting a lot of old friends on that show." her manager said handing to her the paper.

She grabbed the paper and read all the names of their guests.

"Wow! So Xize and Darren will be there! And even Yi Han, Sun Qian and Jia Qi!" Yue smiled from ear to ear.

"Yes! Actually most of the casts of Meteor Garden were invited. But Connor has prior commitments. And Dylan... we all know how busy that guy is. His schedules are fully loaded as per his agency."

Yue didn't know what to feel. She's a bit disappointed knowing that if only Dylan is not busy then she'll get the chance to work with him again.

"It's ok. Atleast i'll have the chance to work with most of my old friends!" she faked a smile.

Seems like destiny hate them so much.

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