Chapter 20

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Dylan and Yue were both called by their respective agencies for a meeting. Both agencies decided to meet the couple in a nearby restaurant's vip room.

Dylan and Yue arrived in the said meeting place together. They were already in the parking lot of the restaurant. But Yue was hesitant to get out because she can see a lot of people around the area.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Dylan asked her full of concern.

Yue nodded and looked through the car's window. "There are people outside and inside the restaurant. Do you think it's ok to get inside that place together?"

Dylan sighed. His thoughts were also haywired. He was overthinking. Why does it feel like Yue is not gonna fight for him again? He feels like she's leaving him again anytime soon.

"Yue, let's do this together okay? We can  get through all these problems as long as we're together. Just believe in me. Believe in us please."

They stared at each other for awhile. Yue nodded and gave Dylan a reassuring smile.

He held her face and gave her a long and deep kiss before both of them got out of the car.

They were holding hands while walking from the parking to the restaurant. People were taken aback with their presence. There were clicks and flashes of cameras everywhere.

Yue just looked down to hide her face while Dylan was still confident as they walked pass the group of nosy people who just like to get a scoop from them. He doesn't mind what the other would think of them anyway.

She stared at their holding hands then to her confident fiance. How she wished she was as brave as him.

They got inside the room still holding each other's hand. Their agency bosses were inside. Their managers and assistants were also there.

They both sat down on the chairs provided for them. Everyone looks serious. Their assistants and managers just looked at them with their sad eyes.

"Okay! So what on earth were both of you were thinking?!" One of Dylan's agency boss, Angie, raised her voice. "Dylan!! You should know better! Projects were lined up for you this year including international projects! You just screwed everything. I already warned you about having relationships while still on contract! You.."

"Excuse me?!" Yue's agency head interrupted. "Yue got a lot of projects lined up for her too! But why does it sounds like Dylan is the only one affected with this scandal?!"

"Sorry if it sounded like that.. but yes! Dylan's career is getting a lot of backlash because of this scandal! His future female leads backed out of their projects because they don't want to get involve in a relationship issues! So the projects were pulled out."

Yue's big boss just shook her head. Good thing no news for a project pull out for Yue has reached their camp. They were not really strict when it comes to their stars relationship tho but it's the other way around for Dylan's camp.

Yue stared at the two bosses. What?! Dylan's projects were pulled out because of her?

"Yes! You heard it right." Angie looked at Dylan. "Your projects were pulled out! including the international movie." she shooked her head in dismay.

Yue's eyes became blurry because of her tears. She know how the news of the international movie made Dylan so happy a month ago. It's going to be his first time to work with international stars in a movie. The news made her sad.

"I don't care." Dylan calmly said. "I don't really care about all those things!"

"Dyllaaan!! Think about this over and over again! This is your dream right?! Getting an international project is your biggest dream!" His boss raised her voice. Her face was already so red.

"Yes you're right. Getting an international project is one of my dreams." he paused and stared lovingly at the most precious girl for him. "But Yue is bigger than all those dreams. She's actually my biggest dream. Being with her is my life. I can still live my life without those projects but i don't think i can spend another second breathing without her."

The people inside the room that were close to them became emotional. They were the witnesses of how Dylan and Yue's relationship started and how they ended it few years ago. How the two spent their life miserably without each other was something they don't want to happen again.

They're very proud of Dylan this time. He's fighting for what makes him real happy now.

Dylan's boss just shook her head. "I'll give you time to think about this Dylan. You can still take back your projects if you clear your name out of this mess. And Shen Yue, don't be too selfish. Think about this as well." That's her final words before going out with the other member of Dylan's camp.

"Yue! You know you're so precious to us! Your relationship with Dylan is least of our concern because we trust you so much. But hearing all those things from his agency saddened me! You should not be treated like this! You're a big star of your own! No one should treat you like this!"

"In behalf of my camp please accept my apology." Dylan bowed his head.

Yue's boss just shook her head and proceeded in going out of the room.

The two of them were left inside. Silence filled the room. Dylan badly wanted to know what Yue is thinking.

Dylan held Yue's hand.

"Didi, you should think about this over and over again." she said it almost a whisper. Her thoughts were out of control. She has this same feelings 5 years ago. She doesn't want to be selfish.

"Love! Trust me with this please." he pleaded. "Don't give up on us again." and with that he cried his heart out while hugging Yue, his life.

" and with that he cried his heart out while hugging Yue, his life

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Relationships are about trust. If you love them and they love you then trust them.

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