Chapter 15

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Dylan brought Yue to a place not familiar to her. His car went inside the basement of one of the tallest building located in the city.

"Where are we?" She asked. She looked around the basement. There were other cars that were also parked.

"In my place." Dylan calmly said.

"What?!" Yue was kinda shocked of Dylan's reply. Why would he take her to his place? They're still starting out right? or Did they even talked about starting out? Yue's thought was haywired.

Dylan just grinned and went out of the car. Leaving Yue confused.

He opened the door on Yue's side and grabbed her hand. He guided her inside the lift. He pushed the PH button and matched his fingerprint on the fingerprint reader.

Yue was amazed when the lift's door opened. They were brought directly to Dylan's suite.

"So you're staying in this penthouse?" she asked as her eyes roamed around the place. It is so huge and extravagant. And it is overlooking the city.

Dylan sat on a high chair on his mini bar. As she stared at Yue.

"Yes. Been living here for a while now."

"Wow. This place is so beautiful." She said still amazed.

Yue was very indulged with the citylights overlooking his tall custom glass windows when she felt Dylan's arms wrapped around his waist.

"I miss you so much." he kissed her head.

"I miss you too Di." her tears started to fall.

"Do you still love me Yue?"

Yue sobbed even more.

"What kind of stupid question is that?! Ofcourse I do!" she faced Dylan with an angry face. She even hit his chest in annoyance.

"Then why can't we be together again? You survived 5 years without answering my texts, chats or calls. You survived 5 years without me Yue. You're so wicked." a hint of disappointment was evidence in his voice.

"I'm afraid i won't be able to control myself if I did all of those! I might come running back to you again!"

"And what's wrong with that? I love you! I don't give a damn if I have been dumped as long as it's you who'll pick me up again!" He was so frustrated.

"If I didn't do it then you won't be able to reach your status now. You won't be able to have all of these."

"Damn Yue! I already told you before that all these things don't matter to me. My career? My car? This penthouse? are all just material things! I don't care if i live in a small apartment as long as i'm with you."

Yue hugged Dylan tightly.

"I love you Didi. Sorry for being selfish. I didn't think of what you'll feel when i decided to end our relationship 5 years ago. I thought it was the best decision for both of us."

Dylan hugged Yue back.

"Yue can we be together again? Please.. I don't think I can still survive another day without you in my life." Dylan said almost pleading. He was crying now.

Yue wiped her tears and stared lovingly at Dylan.
She nodded. "Yes. I don't also think I can survive another day without you."

He smiled and kissed her passionately. They were like two hungry people indulging themselves in a sweet dessert. They just can't stop.

They were out of breath when they stopped. But it won't stop them on showing how they miss each other.

"I love you so much love."

"I love you too love" she lovingly responded.

Dylan lifted Yue as they started to share a passionate kiss again.

"Hey! Where are you bringing me?" Yue protest when she noticed Dylan was bringing her somewhere.

"In my room! I'll punish you for making me sad for the past 5 years!" Dylan showed his evil boyish grin.

Yue shrieked when Dylan throw her on top of the bed and started tickling and kissing her.

"Hey Di. The door is still open."

"It's ok. Nobody's around. It's only the two of us." he answered and started kissing her again. From her lips, to her jaw and now to her neck.

But Yue was not comfortable that the door was left open.

"I think you should lock the door first." she suggested.

Dylan gave up and followed his girlfriend's command. He needs to follow her or else he'll end up with a cold shower.

"Okay fine." he kissed her forehead before standing up to close the door.

Dylan shut the door closed. And whatever happened behind the door stays behind the door.

But one thing is for sure. It's not a punishment for Yue but more of an award for Dylan.😉

Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far, the truest type of love.

5 years of being away with each other was enough sacrifice for Dylan and Yue to prove that their love is true. Because true love will always find a way to come back.😊

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