Chapter 12 & 13

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It was already past 12 am when Yue reached her condo. She was tired from all the games they played in the show. The show was more of a fun game show where the guests have to divide into groups and play a specific game every round. It could be games that will test their brains or games that will test their strengths and endurance.

She smiled remembering what happened in the show. She got to play games with her old friends and ofcourse Dylan.

Dylan was task to lead the Red Team and he got the chance to choose his teammate.

"Okay Didi. Choose your team members now." the male host instructed

"Okay. I'll choose Xize, Jia Qi and..."

Yue's heart was pounding so hard. She wanted to be on Dylan's team. She have thought about it already. She could take this opportunity to be able to have a normal interaction with Dylan. She miss him a lot.

".... and Yue." Dylan said showing his bright smile to everyone.

Jia Qi clapped her hands after hearing that Dylan chose Yue as their last member.

"Wow. Why did you choose Shen Yue? She's the last one to finish the preliminary round." the host joked and that made them laughed.

"Ofcourse. ofcourse. I'll always choose her."

Silence then filled the studio. All eyes were on Dylan now. People around him were waiting for his punchline.

Yue blushed as his words got into her.

"Ofcourse I'll choose her because I know no one would choose her! Nobody likes to team up with a frail girl." he reasoned and patted Yue's head.

And just like the old times Dylan earned a power kick and punch from Yue which made both of them laughed.

The audience and the other guests just laughed with them at their crazy antics.

That was the closest physical interactions they got after 5 years. Yes 5 years! They endured the pain of being away with each other for 5 long years.

Yue realized how she badly miss the guy. Her face heated when she realized that they were so touchy and clingy with each other the whole shooting period. Dylan would always check on her if she's ok, if she can still play or does she need anything. It made her heart full.

She was snapped back to reality when her phone vibrated.

From: Wang The Little Prince
I love you. I'll always choose you.

Yue clutched her phone to her chest.

"I know my love. Someday I'll have the courage to tell the world how much i love you too. I'll choose you over anything."

Waiting is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say I love you but not everyone can wait and prove it's true.

Well, Shen Yue is a lucky girl! She got a Dylan Wang who's willing to wait for her.


Yue was set again for another interview to continuously promote her latest drama First Love.

Her last interview got the netizens attention. They're sympathy were on Yue. They speculated that it was because of how showbiz industry works that separated Yue and the first love she's talking about. She couldn't agree more to that. If only netizens were not too harsh when it comes to the personal lives of their idols then none of these would happen. She'll still be happily in a relationship with Dylan by now.

"So people were curious about your mystery first love. Different names were mentioned. There were different speculations. So what can you say about this?" the interviewer asked.

"Mm.. i get to read some of their comments actually. It was heart warming that people are supporting you. They're wishing for your happiness now. Even my fans were very vocal that they'll support me no matter what happens." she was becoming emotional. "That's really something I should be thankful of."

"So people are eager to know who is your mysterious ex boyfriend. There are a lot of guys rumored to be courting you some of them even admitted that they like you."

"As of now, I can't really tell you guys." she said politely. "My fans supports me but i don't think he'll get same support from the people surrounding him."

"Whoow. So that's a little bit of a hint in there. So he's also an actor?"

Yue smiled and nodded.


Dylan was already inside his car. He just finished his photo shoot for a magazine.

He was about to drive when his phone vibrated. Someone was calling.

"Hello?" he answered the call.



"Yes. This is my new number."

"Okay. So why did you call?" Dylan asked.

"I already proposed to my girlfriend. I would like to invite all my friends for a celebration." Darren calmly said.

"Wow. Congrats bro!" Dylan congratulated one of his bestfriends. He was genuinely happy for him but a part of him envied Darren.

"So see you later. I'll text you the address." Darren said before dropping the call.

How he wish he was as brave as his friend.

Darren was criticized by netizens for having a girlfriend. His girlfriend who was just starting out in showbiz that time was bashed by Darren's fans. But Darren stood firmly for his girl. He fought his love even it left his career unstable.

Dylan sighed at his own thoughts. He has already made up his mind. 5 years of being away with Yue was a total torture. The thought that he loves her so much but can't be with her because of their career pained him. This time he'll fight for her. This time he's 100% sure that he will choose "them" over anything.

Bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is actually feeling the fear, the doubt, the insecurity and deciding that something else is more important.

This time Dylan Wang is choosing what is more important to him. And that is bravery my love.

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