Chapter 18

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Dimmed lights on a cold night. Two bodies cuddling for warmth.

Dylan and Yue decided to go back to London for their 1 week vacation leave. It was memorable for them because they filmed scenes in Meteor Garden, the first and last drama they had ever worked with, in London. The drama where it all started. The drama where their fondness and love for each other grew.

They were already in their hotel suite lying comfortably in their bed. It was already their 5th and last day in London. And they really had so much fun touring around the place. Everything was nostalgic for them.

"I had so much fun love." Yue said as she nuzzled on Dylan's neck. Hugging him tightly for body heat.

"I had so much fun too. I wished we could extend more days here. Or we could visit other countries. What do you think love?"

Yue nodded as a response. She wanted that too. Anywhere as long as she's with Dylan sounds great to her.

"Anywhere with you love." she sweetly said.

He was staring at her lovingly. He can't believed that he let go of her before. She's one of the few things that's keeping him alive for sure. She is his life.

"Hey. Are you okay? You're always spacing out since this morning. You're not your usual self love. Is something bothering you?" she asked full of concern.

"Nothing love." He hugged her closer to him and kissed her forehead.

They were comfortably cuddling each other when Dylan excused himself and stood up. He walked to the closet where some of their used coats were hung. He was searching for something on one of his coat's pocket.

Yue just stared at Dylan with a very confused look. He was acting really weird since morning.

"Didi what are you searching there?"

Dylan sighed and faced Yue. He was acting cool in front of her. But his trembling hands can't hide the fact that he was damn nervous. He can feel his heart beating wildly.

Yue covered her mouth in shocked when Dylan knelt in front of her.

"Yue.. Love.." he started. His voice was trembling. "..You know how much i love you right? You're the greatest blessing i have ever received in my life. You're the most beautiful thing that happened to me. I didn't really know how i survived 5 years being away with you. Those years were the toughest years of my life." he stopped to catch his breath.

He became emotional remembering those years being away with her. It was a total torture.

Yue started crying as well. Is he proposing to her? Her hearted fluttered with the thought.

"Love, I don't think I can spend another year of my life without you in it. I want to grow old with you. I want us to spend our lives together. Love, will you marry me?" He asked her on bended knees with the box of ring on his hand, full of hopes that she will say yes.

He panicked when she didn't say a thing. She was just there seated on the bed and ugly crying.

".. Hey! I know this is not your dream proposal but  we don't really know what will happen in the future. I need your yes for a peace of mind love that you won't leave me ever again. That you..."


Dylan's dialogue was cut off mid sentence by her answer.

"What again love?" he needed to confirm if he heard it right. "Will you marry me?"

"YES! Ofcourse! I will marry you!" she smiled sweetly. "Who wouldn't want to marry Dylan Wang?" she joked that earned a laugh from both of them.

He got up from his knees and hugged her tightly. He's the happiest man at the moment.

"I love you Yue.. You just made me the luckiest and happiest man alive!" His eyes became blurry with the tears of joy.

"I love you too Di. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I know it will be worth it."

He slipped the diamond ring on her finger. And a promise to love each other forever, every single second of forever was made.

The moment was a total bliss and the two lovers sealed it with a kiss.

It may not be her dream proposal but the man is definitely the only man she'll ever dreamed of marrying.

"I'll love you forever.." he promised before giving her the sweetest forehead kiss. 😚


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