Chapter 27

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Dylan brushed off Yue's arms wrapped around him and faced her.

"You should have done that 2 months ago. You shouldn't have left me then." his face still unreadable.

"I told you. I was scared of what might happen. I don't want you to choose me over your career but will have regrets after. I'm not confident enough that I'll make you happy for the rest of our lives. Some people said I'm not worthy of you! I listened to them and that was my mistake! Because I believed them. I didn't trust you enough when you said we can do this as long as we're together." her tears started streaming down her eyes.

Not minding the people around them. Her heart have said what it has to say. "I love you Dylan! No second thoughts and maybes! I'm never quitting on you again. I love you so much"

She stared at him lovingly. Waiting for a reaction.

But he was just there standing and staring back at her in an empty expression.

"Dylan! Why are you doing this to me?" frustration evident in her voice. "Is it because you've already replace me?"

Dylan's reaction changed from expressionless to questioning look. "Hey. Don't make up stories. What are you talking about?" he walked closer to her.

 What are you talking about?" he walked closer to her

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"The one i saw in the room.. I saw you and.." Yue was cut off mid sentence when Dylan butted in.

"Wow. You're full of malice! How can you think of something like that about me huh?" he expressed dissatisfaction. "I never loved any other girl other than you."

"Because i saw what i saw!" she answered back. "So does it mean.. you're acting cold because you don't love me anymore?"

"What?! What kind of question is that? Are you doubting my love for you?" he's getting frustrated too.

"Love? So you still love me? and you'll accept me again?" her eyes brightened. She was happy to hear an indirect answer to her questions. "I love you so much Didi! My love for you has never wavered! I'll never leave you again! I'll choose us over anything!" she looked around and saw few people staring at them. "..and they are our witnesses. Please accept me in your life again."

He was dumbfounded. He thought he was a good actor and he can put himself in character but seems like Yue can make him go back to reality in a snap. Yue doubting his love for her just melted his facade. He doesn't want her to doubt his love because it's the truest of all the truest love in this world.

He sighed in defeat. He shook his head and smiled.

"I'm not in character anymore

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"I'm not in character anymore." he laughed. "I can't be a good actor when you're around. I can't even continue acting mad seeing you ugly crying." and it earned him a kick from Yue. He laughed at her cute reaction. He miss teasing her.

"..I can't fully be mr. ice prince because my heart melts for you."  

Dylan walked closer to Yue and held her face.

"I love you too Yue. I know you know how much I love you. I'm willing to trade everything in this world for you. Please promise me you won't ever leave me again!" he pleaded.

Yue nodded and wiped her tears away. She was so happy. She's crying because of too much happiness. "Yes! Never again!"

"I never quitted on you. And i will never ever quit on you. just remember that." he said those words full of sencerity.

"I'll love you forever too Love."

Their eyes were burning with passion. Never leaving each other as their faces moved closer and closer to each other.

They passionately kissed in public as if it's the most natural thing to do. They have just sealed their promise of loving each other forever with a sweet kiss.

Everybody deserves a second chance, and maybe even third or fourth or fifth because life is too complicated to get it right the first time

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Everybody deserves a second chance, and maybe even third or fourth or fifth because life is too complicated to get it right the first time.

Because if a relationship is ultimately based on love, then everything is worth one more try.

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