Chapter 11

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"Ok! Cut!" the director shouted. "Good take everyone! Dylan you've done a good job again!" he complimented Dylan.

"Thank you so much for the compliment." Dylan bowed to show his respect for their director.

"How about we'll have few drinks with the other casts and crews?"

"Mm.. Sorry Director Li but i still have other commitment to finish."

"It's okay! Don't stress yourself too much with work young man! You have to take a rest too!" the director said full of concern.

Dylan smiled and bowed. "I will Director Li! Thank you."

Both of them were interrupted when Dylan's personal assistant came.

"Didi you need to hurry up or you'll be late for the shooting!"

"Oh i think you have to go! Thanks for your hardwork today!" the director patted Dylan's shoulder as they bid goodbye.

/ / / /

"Shen Yueeee!!" Sun Qian screamed as she saw Yue getting inside the room.

"Hi everyone!" Yue was all smile as she hugged all her friends. They haven't seen each other for a while now. And knowing that they'll be seeing each other much often made her really happy.

"I miss you a lot!" the teary eyed Jia Qi gave Yue a tight hug. "You're so busy! You don't have time for us!" she pouted.

"Don't get mad! Don't worry! Now that we're casted in this variety show we will be seeing each other much often!" happiness evident in her face and voice.

Yue was also approached by Yi Han, Darren and Xize.

"Yi Han! You're still the most beautiful girl i have ever met!" Yue commented.

"Thanks Yue. You have never changed. You're still the crowds' favorite." Yi Han smiled at her.

"And she's still talks a lot! So annoying!" Xize teased. He made face at Yue.

Yue punched him as a revenge.

"And still the violent one." Darren added.

The feeling was nostalgic. Seems like their friendship hasn't change after all those years. Oh how she miss all of them!

They were all chatting and laughing until someone came and interrupted them.

"Hey hey what did i miss here?"

All of them looked at the person leaning comfortably at the door. Showing his infamous boyish grin.

"Didi!!" All of them screamed in unison except for Yue.

I thought his camp didn't accept the show because of his hectic schedule? Yue thought.

Darren and Xize went immediately to Dylan and gave each other a hug!

"Long time no see brother!" Xize patted Dylan's back.

"The bussiest man in China is here! Thank you for finding time for us brother!" Darren commented that earned him a punch from Dylan.

"Tsk! Who am I to ditch this once in a lifetime chance? huh?" Dylan said. Happiness radiating on his face.

Yue blushed. She's already blushing with the thought that they'll work again. Just the thought of it makes her heart flutter.

"Okay guys! Enough with your bromance! Why don't you come here so we could take a selfie?" Sun Qian shouted.

Yue froze as she can see Dylan approaching them.

"Ok guys! Find your place for the selfie!" Jia Qi shouted in excitement.

Sun Qian was holding her phone ready to take a picture when she noticed their angle were not good.

"Our position looks odd." she commented.

"I think so too." Yi Han agreed.

They think it's odd because the 3 boys were on the same side.

"Darren! Move over Yue's side! To balance our angle!" Jia Qi suggested.

Darren was about to move when Dylan moved to Yue's side first.

Xize and Darren looked at each other and smiled mischievously. While the girls seems to be oblivious except for Yue.

Yue's heartbeat doubled when she saw Dylan moved on her side instead of Darren. But it even trippled when Dylan snaked his one arm to her waist.

"Ok! That's better! Look at the camera now guys! 1, 2, 3 say Cheeessseee!"

"Cheeeessseeee" everyone followed Sun Qian's command except for Yue.

"Yue! You didn't smile in our selfie!" Jia Qi commented.

Yue let out a deep sigh. Who could smile in that awkward situation? She wanted to protest but that would be more embarassing! She sighed and pouted.

Dylan really knows how to effectively affect Yue.

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