Chapter 25 & 26

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Staffs were shocked when they saw a running Shen Yue entered their studio. The news of her, quitting showbiz were confirmed by her camp 2 months ago.

"Hi. Do you know where can I find Dylan?" she was catching her breath from running.

Staffs were even more shocked that she was looking for Dylan. Ofcourse who would forget the pictures of two of the biggest stars in China seen together in the airport fresh from their vacation that circulated online.

"Hey? Do you know where Dylan is?" she asked again.

One of the staffs quickly guided her to the room where Dylan is.

"Miss Shen Yue.. You can knock on this room. Mr Dylan Wang is inside with Miss Sun Qian."

"Sun Qian?" she asked in shock. Why is she with Dylan?

Sun Qian is one of their friends. They met during Meteor Garden filming. They've also worked again in the last variety show they have guested together with the other Meteor Garden casts.

She was not really close to her. Because SunQian was more close to the boys than the girls even before.

"Yes. Mr. Dylan just finished his interview awhile ago. And Miss SunQian together with the casts of the drama she's in will have their interview later." the staff answered politely.

Yue nodded and thanked the staff for bringing her to Dylan.

She took a deep sigh before she opened the door and was taken aback with what she saw. SunQian and Dylan hugging each other? She couldn't move. It hurts to see him hugging other girl.

SunQian noticed that someone entered the room. She looked at the door and found Yue standing there.

"Yue?" she smiled at her.

Yue couldn't smile back. How will she react? She was dumbfounded.

During their Meteor Garden filming days SunQian was already vocal about her attraction towards Dylan. There was even a time when she got jealous of SunQian.

She closed her eyes. Her brain is not processing. It was just a hug, it should not bother her.

Dylan turned his head to see Yue.

"She's here!" SunQian patted Dylan's back. "I think I should go ahead! Babye!" she got out of the room and left Yue and Dylan.

Yue sighed. It hurts to see Dylan hugging another girl. Damn! She's jealous.

Jealousy is just a sign that shows how much you really like, care and love someone.

Some call it jealousy but she call it "Fear of Losing Him" for real..


They were just there inside the room staring at each other. No one wanted to talk first. Dylan looking so bored with his poker face and empty eyes expression was just staring at Yue.

Yue took a deep breath and got the courage to talk.

"How are you?" she asked almost a whisper because of nervousness.

No response from him.

"Mm.." her words were lost. She wanted to say alot of things but too nervous to say it. "Mmm.."

"I'll have to go 5 minutes from now. I still have a photoshoot later. What do you want to say?" he said in his very cold expression.

"Can we talk please? I have a lot of things to say." Yue finally said it.

"I guessed so.. because it took you two months to  discuss what we should discuss." he said full of sarcasm.

"Dylan.. Will you listen?!"

Dylan nodded. "Okay. Is 5 minutes enough?"

"Dylan!" she whined in frustrations. "I have a lot of things to say! We have a lot of things to talk about!"

He smirked at her. "What are we going to talk about? Your time starts now."

"What?! are you serious?" she complained.

"4 minutes.." Dylan reminded her.

"Okay fine! You're unbelievable!"

"3 minutes and 30 seconds"

"Alright. Alright. Sorry if i left you hanging! I was eaten by my insecurities! I worry too much about what others would think. I was so selfish. I love you but not confident enough to fight for my love for you. I let go of you for the second time around. I regret it so much. It was so selfish of me." she paused as she catch her breath. She's getting emotional. Tears started to blur her vision.

"2 minutes.." he reminded her of the remaining time.

"I don't wanna be blamed that you failed because of me. I don't want you to choose me and regret at the end because you did." she cried.

"30 seconds."

"Dylaaannn!" she whined in frustration. He's not listening to her. "Do you still love me?"

"Okay. Your time is up." he told her in his coldest expression.

Yue was dumbfounded. She stared at him like he's some kind of puzzle that's very difficult to solve.

"I have to go." He told her and went out of the room.

Yue closed her eyes and calmed herself.

"You came back for him! You came back to ask for his understanding and forgiveness.You're here to fight for your love! You came back to win his heart back! and you're not taking no for an answer!" she reminded herself.

Fire burning in her eyes. She's determined to win him back.

She's not the coward Yue anymore! She can do this!

Yue ran outside and followed Dylan. The busy people inside the studio stopped and watched her as she followed him.

"Dylan!" She ran and hugged him tightly from behind.

"Dylan!" She ran and hugged him tightly from behind

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"I love you. Don't quit on me please" she pleaded. "Because I'm not quitting on you this time."

True love doesn't give up and it always hopes. It doesn't leave and it doesn't fail. You just have to persevere and maintain a heart full of passion for love. Because afterall, the most powerful weapon on earth is a human soul on fire.

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