Chapter 8

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An hour since their heated conversation had passed. But no one dared to speak up again. They were just there both sitting on the bed, their backs were against the headboard. Silently sitting there just feeling each other's presence.

Yue's long sighs gives a calming effect to Dylan. Knowing that she's there even without the physical contact just gave him a peace of mind.

"Do you know my first impression of you?" Yue suddenly speak up.

Dylan looked at the other side of the bed where Yue was seated.

"My make up artist was doing my make up that time. It was for our look test. Then you passed by and I was like.. Oh this must be Daoming Si." Yue smiled reminiscing that moment.  "You have this strong personality that intimidated me. You probably didn't notice me that time."

"Tsk. How could i not noticed you?" Dylan said showing his infamous smirk. "You were so short. You were the shortest inside the room that time."

Yue punched Dylan at his remarks.

"Crazy!" Yue laughed.

"You were so small like a cute puppy but so fierce like a big bad wolf."

Dylan's comment made both of them laugh.

"Do you still remember the day we were shooting the break up scene?" Yue asked.

"Which break up scene? Daoming Si and Shan Cai has alot of break up scenes. The author of their story must hate them that much that they have to go through all those heartaches."

Yue just couldn't stop laughing at Dylan's hilarious comments. That's what made her fall for him He is not pretencious. He speaks up what's on his mind.

"Hey stop making funny comments!" Yue bit her lower lip to stop herself from laughing. "I'm referring about the scene where you had to throw the meteor necklace on the pond."

"Why? What's with that scene?"

"You were so bully that time! You were so happy that i was freezing!"

Dylan grinned. "No. That's not true. My heart ached watching you in that state."

"Liar! You were there to laugh! You were there to bully me." Yue pouted.

"I just want your attention. I love your attention." Dylan answered back.

Yue's faced turned red at Dylan's remarks. Dylan Wang doesn't fail when it comes to making her blush.

"Fine. Fine! You love to bully me. You can't live without bullying me! You can't live without me." She was laughing and making faces.

Yue stopped when she noticed Dylan was not responding anymore. She looked at him and found him staring directly at her. There eyes met each other. She can see pain in his eyes. She can't hadle the tension so she looked away.

"Yes you're right. I can't live without you." pain was very evident in his voice.

Yue didn't dare to speak. He was hurting. She didn't want to make it even worse.

Silence filled the room again. Yue sitting beside Dylan was enough to comfort her broken heart.

"Can I sleep here?" He asked Yue.

Yue looked at Dylan. She know him too well. She know exactly what's on his mind. Her eyes became blurry in an instant. She's happy and hurt at the same time. Happy because she know that he has fully understand the situation. Hurt because they have to end this way.

Yue smiled and nodded. She lied down and urge Dylan to lie beside her.

Dylan reached for Yue and hugged her in a spooning position. He was making small kisses on the side of her head.

"I'll remind you every single time how much i love you." he whispered. "I'll text you, I'll call you, I'll send you gifts.. You don't have to answer back if it will make you uncomfortable. Just let me do those things."

Yue wiped her tears away. Why is this so painful? Hearing Dylan say those things just shattered her heart into pieces.

"You want us to choose our career first right?"

Yue shook her head. "I don't care about my career but I want you to reach your dreams Di. I know you can do it! I don't want our love to be a hindrance to your blossoming career."

"I'll make it big for you. I promised. I don't want this sacrifices to go into waste Yue." Dylan hugged her tighter.

Yue faced Dylan ang kissed him passionately. Both of them were out of breath when they ended the kiss.

"If I have the choice I'll always choose you over anything. Remember that! Love is an understatement because what i'm feeling for you is more intimate than it. I want you to reach your dreams too Yue. I love you." Dylan said before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

They were hugging each other 'til dawn. No one wants to sleep because both of them know this will be the last time they'll be able to physically feel each other's presence.

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