Chapter 21 & 22

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Dylan drove Yue back to her place. The whole travel from the restaurant was silent. Yue didn't talk to Dylan the whole time they were inside the car and it worried him so much.

"We're here." Dylan said as he parked his car at the basement of the building where she lived in.

Yue smiled and nodded.

"Thanks for the ride. It's already late. You can go home directly."

"I'll walk you to your unit." he insisted.

"No!" her voice raised. "I mean.. it's okay. I can manage. You can go home now." she sighed.

Dylan just stared at her intently. The situation was frustrating him. She's not telling him what she's thinking.

"Yue! Are we ok?!" His voice raised in frustration.

Yue sighed and looked at the other direction. She can't take seeing Dylan so hurt again. It's like a flashback from 5 years ago.

"Ofcourse we are! I just want to rest for now."

Dylan held her hand and kissed it. "I love you."

No response from Yue.

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her like there's no tomorrow. And she was responding with the kisses.

Dylan stopped and stared at her eyes. He was still holding her neck. Their faces in a close proximity with each other. She can feel his breath on her lips.

"I love you" he told her and kissed her again.

Yue cut the kiss or it will lead them to something else.

"Didi.. I need to go up. I want to rest."

Dylan smiled sadly. "Ok."

He's so damn scared right now. He doesn't want to lose her again but she's slipping away from him again.

Yue immediately got out of Dylan's car and ran to the lift. She pressed her floor number.

When the lift's door close. She let her tears out and cried her heart.

Loving and being loved by a Dylan Wang was always the best feeling for Yue.

But seeing him slowly losing himself and his dreams to be with her was always their problem.

They lived in a world where people has a say in their lives. They're public figures and people think they have a control over their lives.

How she wished they met each other in a different way. How she wished they were just normal people not public figures. How she wished they were not actors in this polluted entertainment circle.

Yue ran from the lift to her unit's door. She got inside and was about to close it when a hand blocked it from closing. A pair of intense eyes captured her attention.

"Didi? What are you doing here?"

Dylan didn't say a thing. He got inside and shut the door behind him.

He grabbed her waist and started kissing her intensely. She was about to protest but Dylan was giving her this unusual feeling again.

His one hand on her face and the other on her behind pulling her closer. He was giving her light kisses on her mouth down to her neck and slowly getting urgent.

He carried her to her bed and made her lie down. He was gently biting and sucking her lower lip pulling it a little.

She closed her eyes as she kissed him back.

He placed his hand on the small of her back lightly pressing his lower part of the body on hers. She can now feel his growing anticipation for her. The thought of it made her blushed. No matter how many times they had do it already the experiences were always different.

He continued kissing her passionately. His hands sliding up and down to her back. His hands all over her. She closed her eyes as she felt him slowly undressing her.

Their skin to skin contact, his eyes not leaving hers as he made the move made her dizzy.

And his heavy sighs are slowly melting her.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. She needed this. She needs to feel him for the very last time. This will help her sanity remain intact.

"I love you." he said as he nuzzled on her neck after.

He must be too tired from all the happenings today that he fell asleep immediately after their love making session.

"I love you too." she whispered as she stared at his handsome face. "I'll love you forever." She kissed him for the last time.


Dylan woke up from his sleep without Yue on his side anymore. He searched for her all over the place. He was screaming her name but to no avail she wasn't there.

She left him. She left him again. She left without fighting.

No more trace of her.

He collapsed on the couch. His tears flowing from his eyes non stop as he read her letter for him.

Dear love,

Sorry for being a coward. I always think of what others will say. How i wished i was as brave as you. I love you but I don't know how to fight this love for you. I promised to stay with you no matter what happen but broke the promise again. I can't stand seeing you slowly fall down because of me. I'm still the same coward girl you've met 7 years ago. The girl who can't fight for you. Sorry for hurting you again and again. Those people who says you're better off without me are definitely right. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your love. I love you Didi.


He felt numb after reading the letter. He wanted to cry but he can't anymore. Maybe all his tears had already dried up. He was just there staring blankly at the wall.

Dylan's phone vibrated. Yue's manager is calling..

"Hello? Didi?" Yue's manager spoke from the other line. "Are you with Yue right now?! We just received her message that she's quitting showbiz. She revoked all her contracts and paid the damages! What's happening?! What..."

He cut the other line and threw his phone on the wall.

"What the FA!" he screamed in frustration.

What he's feeling right now was like a flashback from 5 years ago.

He closed his eyes to feel the pain and hoped that it will eventually subside.

He closed his eyes to feel the pain and hoped that it will eventually subside

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