Chapter 16

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Yue woke up with a smile on her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the most handsome guy she have ever known sleeping soundly next to her. His arms wrapped around her waist and face nuzzled on her neck. How she miss waking up next to him. The feeling was nostalgic. It's the best feeling.

Her face turned red as she remembered what happened last night. She bit her lower lip as memories flooded her.

Everything happened to fast.

She remembered him locking the door. He went back to the bed, back to her.

They shared sweet passionate kisses. They're like hungry kids indulging themselves on sweet treats.

Her dress was unzipped. His shirt was unbuttoned.

From sweet and slow kisses to passionate and hungry kisses.

Hips moving. Bodies adjusting.

Beads of sweats on their foreheads.

Moans and Groans.

Love bites.

Bruises and scratches.

"Hey! are you okay?"

Yue was snapped back immediately to reality when Dylan asked. He was looking at her with a weirded expression. She can now feel the heat on her cheeks.

"What?! Ofcourse I'm fine!!" she yelled at him.

"Why are you so red?" he commented. And made Yue more awkward. "Don't tell me you are thinking about what happened to us last night?" Dlyan obviously teasing his girlfriend. He was grinning like a weird villain on a movie.

"Are you stupid?! Why would i think of that ha?!" She hit his chest with her fists.

"Alright! Alright! Why are you so defensive? I was just joking." He was laughing non stop with Yue's funny reaction. And he grabbed her waist to hug her tighter.

Yue was relieved when Dylan stopped insisting that she was thinking about what happened to them last night.

They stayed on that position for a while before they decided to grab some breakfast.

None of them wants to cook so they decided to order on an online food delivery.

"You look good on my shirt and boxer." Dylan commented.

"The shirt is so big but it's very comfortable." Yue smiled as she examined herself in the mirror. He's right! She really looks good on his shirt.

Yue sat down on the couch and next to Dylan and cuddled with him.

"What's our plan now?" she asked her boyfriend.

"What plan?"

"About us? Are we gonna keep this out of the public again?" there was a hint of sadness in her voice.

"No! We won't do that again!" he answered firmly.

"Your fans will be in shocked. They like your new female lead right?"

Dylan nuzzled on Yue's neck. He doesn't want her to get jealous on something or someone that doesn't reallyel exist in his world.

"I love you and I'll tell the world about us! I won't care of what other people will say. All I care is about you. About us. Okay?" He said as he gave her a kiss on the cheeks.

Yue smiled and nodded.

"Okay. But let's take it slow. Let's not shock everyone." She laughed as she thought of their fans in panic mode if they'll learn that both of them are in relationship already. "Can you imagine your fans and my fans on clash if they'll know about us?"

Dylan laughed at the thought as well. "Yeah. But they are least of my concern right now. And besides we still have fans who shipped us until now. They'll be very happy."

Later that day Dylan posted on his weibo account a picture that became the number 1 hot topic on weibo..

Later that day Dylan posted on his weibo account a picture that became the number 1 hot topic on weibo

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"Who's the girl?"

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"Dylan has a girlfriend??💔💔"

"Wang He Di is a douche!"

"Nooo wayyyy!! This broke my heart!😭😭"

"Wow! What a brave soul! He posted a pic of his girlfriend even tho this will enraged some fans!"

"Wait. Is that our Yue?"

"Shen Yue?"

"I still support you Didi!"

"We still love you Dylan!"

His post gained so much attention from the netizens. Comments flooded his post. But he couldn't care less. All he know is he's the happiest man on earth right now.

Happiness is only real when shared. That's what Dylan is doing right now. Sharing what really makes him happy to everyone.😊

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