Chapter 23

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"Love get up! You're gonna be late for your photoshoot today!" she smiled lovingly at him.

"I love you" he tried to reach for her.

"I love you too." she gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

Dylan woke up from a deep slumber. That dream again.. It's been  2 months since she left him and it has been 2 months that he always dreamed of her. How he missed Yue.

He shook his head and tried to erase her in his thoughts

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He shook his head and tried to erase her in his thoughts. He shouldn't be thinking of her that much. She already left him.

But what can he do? He love the girl so much. The saying If you love large, you've got to get hurt large is definitely true.

He had never thought that something that brought so much joy to him could also bring so much pain.


Yue stared at the couple in front of her. They were so sweet with each other. Playing around the shore, bickering like there's no tomorrow and laughing after. She can see how the boy is so inlove with his girlfriend. His eyes sparkles as he stares at his girlfriend.

She smiled sadly as she remembered someone with the same sparkle in his eyes everytime he stared at her.

She missed Dylan so much. She was eaten by her insecurities and doubts and decided to leave him. She always wanted the safe side. She didn't want to be blamed for something because he chose her. She didn't want him to have regrets in the future. But was her decision right?

"Hey. Are you okay?" Jia Qi asked. She's the very first person she called when she decided to quit showbiz. Next was her family. She told Jia Qi everything she needed to know. Including the part where she said Yes to Dylan's proposal but ended up breaking the promise that she would marry him.

She nodded in response.

"Mm.. you don't look like you're ok to me." Jia Qi commented and hugged her friend.

"No. I'm really fine." she smiled sadly. "Thank you for letting me stay in your place."

She was staying in Jia Qi's beach house in Shenzhen for 2 months already. Every afternoon she goes to the beach to get some fresh air. She needed it. She needed to breathe because she felt like suffocated by her own feelings.

"Yue. We've been friends for quite a long time now. I know you too well.. you can't lie to me." Jia Qi held her hands. "I know you're hurting because of what happened between you and Didi."

Yue bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying. This is her decision right? but why does it feel like she'll regret this decision for the rest of her life?

"Just cry it out Yueyue." Jia Qi hugged her tighter this time. Her heart hurts for Yue.

Yue hugged her friend back and cried her heart out on her shoulder. She felt like she'll lose her breath anytime soon from too much emotion. She was truly hurting. Her heart was shattering into tiny pieces.

"I love him so much but too coward to fight for it!" she paused to catch her breath. "I hurt him for the second time around. I put all his efforts away Jia Qi. I'm so wicked! I was eaten by my insecurities and I hate it! I hate myself for being too sensitive about what others would think about me! I thought I was selfless. But I realized I was nothing but a coward! I was selfish.. I only think of myself!"

Jia Qi cried with Yue. "If you love him then fight for him. You are not a coward Yue. You've chosen what you thought was right even if you know it'll bring you so much pain. That's still bravery! But please choose what will make you happy! You sacrifice too much that you always end up hurting too much. Don't mind what other people will think! They don't matter in your relationship! I know Dylan thinks the same. So please choose your happiness this time. It's not too late yet."

Her friend was right. She should choose what will make her happy. And she truly knows what will make her happy!

She smiled at Jia Qi and hugged her tight. She needed the encouragement.

She'll choose her happiness. Afterall, happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.

Sometimes happiness is not a feeling but sometimes it's a decision. This time she know she'll make the best decision!

Hoped he hasn't given up on her yet.

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