Chapter 28

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It has been 5 days since the day Dylan and Yue made a huge headline again. Pictures of them kissing publicy circulated online but they couldn't care less.

That same day Yue also got the chance to talk to Sunqian, who also witnessed their most talked about kissing scene in public. Sunqian approached them that day and Yue got the chance to clear some issues.

"Yueyue, did you just accused me of flirting with your boyfriend?" Sunqian laughed. Yue was very straight forward when she asked her about the hug Dylan and her shared inside the dressing room.

Dylan also laughed and that earned him a kick and a punch from Yue.

"Mm.. I just thought. Because you were hugging each other when I entered the room." she answered shyly.

"Because you are so malicious... Ouch that hurts!" Dylan couldn't continue what he wanted to say when Yue kicked him again.

"Just shut up. okay?"

"Because that's the truth. You even doubted my love.. Ouch!" Dylan groaned again in pain. This time Yue punched him on his stomach.

"I told you to shut up first."

Sunqian just shook her head. These two couldn't really last a day without bickering.

"Alright. Alright. Will you two stop arguing?" she paused and stared at the weird couple. "I gave Dylan a hug because I was so proud of him. Haven't you watched his interview?"

Yue shook her head. "I just arrived this afternoon. I came all the way from Shenzhen and went here to see Dylan."

"I see..Well, Dylan just announced that he's quitting showbiz because both of you are getting married. The hug was just to congratulate him." Sunqian explained.

Yue gave Dylan an questioning look. What? He's also quitting showbiz?! and what? they are getting married?

Dylan pulled Yue closer to him. "Yes. I'm quitting showbiz because this is not the life i wanted. I want a life with you in it. And if this career would mean losing you then I would rather lose this career. I couldn't imagine life without you." he sighed. "and you'll still marry me right?"

Yue's eyes instantly blurred because of tears. She touched the diamond ring on her finger. The ring he gave her when he proposed to her in London. She really thought she lost him already but here he is still loving her unconditionally.

"I love you love. Ofcourse i'll marry you!" Yue gave Dylan a tight hug. She couldn't ask for more. A Dylan Wang is more than enough for her. She's one lucky soul.

"I love you too

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"I love you too."


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