Chapter 24

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Jia Qi immediately booked a flight from Shenzhen to Beijing when Yue decided to go back to fix everything between her and Dylan.

Yue couldn't wait for another day to be with Dylan! Anxiety was killing her. She felt like the whole flight was taking so long.

"Yue just calm down." JiaQi smiled at her friend.

Yue pouted. "I'm so nervous right now. I don't know what will his reaction be. Will he forgive me? Will he accept me again after hurting him? This is worse than our last break up! 5 years away from each other but haven't felt that he didn't love me even a single day. But now..?" she paused and sighed. "I don't know anymore."

JiaQi held her hand to calm her down. "You worry too much! You know Dylan too well. He loves you so much. What's 2 months compared to 5 years and yet his love for you haven't changed. That guy couldn't resist you." she smiled. "I bet even if you'll come back 2 decades after he'll still accept you with open arms."

Yue smiled and nodded. She silently prayed that her friend was right. Hoping he'll still accept her.

They were fetched by JiaQi's driver when they landed in Beijing. Yue tried calling Dylan but his number was out of reach.

"JiaQi can you drive me to Dylan's place?"

"Sure! Anything for you! For the happiness of my friends! Fighting!"

Yue was dropped off by JiaQi outside the building where Dylan's penthouse is located.

She caught the attention of the people when she entered the building.

People were looking at her. Some got their phones and started taking pictures. She walked confidently and walked inside the lift.

She can do this. She shouldn't mind other people. She reminded herself.

She immediately scanned Dylan's place when she entered the unit.

"Dylan?.. Dylan??.." he's not in his room. He's not in his kitchen and even dining area.

The place was peaceful. It seems like Dylan is not around.

She immediately dialed her manager's number for help. She called her manager to contact one of Dylan's camp member about his whereabouts. She badly needs to see him.

"There were news that he'll start shooting his international movie this week. Maybe they started filming out of the country already." her manager told her.

Oh no.

"Please please manager Xie. Message me if you know where he is right now."

"Okay Yueyue! I will! I promise." and they hung up.


Dylan was scheduled for an interview. He was inside one of the studio's room waiting for his turn to be interviewed.

"Dylan.. your interview will be delayed because of some technical problems inside the studio." his manager told him.

"It's ok. I can wait." he answered politely.

"Anyway, Manager Xie, Yue's manager asked for your schedule today. I haven't replied on her yet. Do you want me to give details to her?"

Dylan thought for awhile. Why would she asked for his schedule?

"I don't mind." he answered.

He got his phone out of his pocket to check it but it was turned off. Maybe his battery is empty. And he  put it back to his pocket.


Yue kept on dialing Dylan's number. She can't contact him. She also tried dialing the number of Dylan's assistant but she's also not picking up the call. Maybe because her number was unregistered to their mobiles. Because she changed her contact details 2 months ago, the day she left Dylan and her career.

"Maybe it was true that he already started his shooting abroad? Maybe he changed his number? But JiaQi said he didn't change it." she sighed. Her thoughts were out of control.

She hoped he's not on an out of the country shoot or it will take them longer to reconcile.

She hoped he's not on an out of the country shoot or it will take them longer to reconcile

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Few minutes later Yue received a message from her manager. She texted the address where Yue can find Dylan.

And without second thought she went immediately to the place where she can find and talk to him.

This is it! No more second thoughts and maybes!

Because she truly knows in her heart that Dylan is worth more than second thoughts and maybes.

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