Chapter 29

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Dylan and Yue received a lot of congratulatory messages after their interview. The support they're getting from their fans and even non-fans warmed their hearts.

"Congrats Dylan and Yue😍"

"Didi and Yuyu we're here to support you always!"

"Brave souls! They just made the best decisions of their lives. Congrats DiYue!"

"DD and YY! I'm your fan since MG days!!! 😭😭😭 I knew it! Can't believe this day would actually come! You just made my DyShen heart so happy!"

"Congrats DiYue couple!"

"Please don't quit showbiz! We love you both! We're here to support!"

"We love you DiYue!"

Those were just some the heart warming messages they have received.

"My heart is full my love." Yue hugged Dylan tightly as she nuzzled on his neck. They are lying on his bed and cuddling. Yue really loves Dylan's presence. She loves to inhale his manly scent.

"I'm happy that you're happy love. Your happiness is always my priority." Dylan said full of sincerity in his voice. "I will trade everything in this world in exchange of a lifetime with you love."

Dylan grabbed Yue's waist and changed position with her. He was now on top of her.

They were just staring at each other lovingly.

They still can't believe that after the hardships they've gone through, after hiding their relationship to the public for the longest time and after almost giving up each other they're still together.

"I love you love." Yue smiled at Dylan.

"I love you too love." Dylan answered.

Dylan slowly moved his face closer to hers until their lips met.

His arms wrapped around her and took her mouth with his tongue as he slowly pulled her lower lip

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His arms wrapped around her and took her mouth with his tongue as he slowly pulled her lower lip. He was gently biting and pulling it a little. She opened her mouth more to welcome him.

He leaned down more lightly pressing his lower part of the body on hers. He groaned. She moaned.

His one hand was on her face and the other was anchored on her hip as he gave her light kisses on her mouth down to her neck.

She can now feel his growing anticipation for her.

Yue gasped as he felt Dylan slowly taking off her clothes until none has left and she just felt her sudden gush of desire for him. How she missed him like this. So gentle and passionate.

"" she bit her lips to control her moans. He's giving her goosebumps with every skin to skin contacts.

"Yes love?" he answered incoherently as he continued kissing her on her neck down to her collarbones.

With a pounding heart, she slowly pulled his shirt up and worked on his pants until it was soon gone and she could feel his skin.

He placed his hand on the small of her back pressing more of his lower part of the body on hers.

He continued kissing her passionately. His hands sliding up and down to her back. Until his hands were all over her. She just closed her eyes as she felt him.

Their skin to skin contact, his eyes not leaving hers as he moved in the rhythm of love just made her dizzy.

His groans and deep sighs melted her completely.

Yue bit her lip and closed her eyes as Dylan's paced became faster. They were feeling every moment until both of them found their release.

"I love you so much Yue." he gave her a sweet forehead kiss before he collapsed on her.

Yue smiled and kissed his cheek.

He's her balance. He's her wild. He's her anchor.

With him, it's raw, it's deep and it's true passion.

With him, it's raw, it's deep and it's true passion

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And Love brings out the passion in peoples' hearts. It makes them want to express how they feel to the object of their affection and the world at large. 😊

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