Chapter 38

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“So I got my college apps back,” Heather said, bouncing up and down on my bed.

“Oh yeah?” I said, smiling at her faintly.

“I got into NYU! New York here I come,” she squealed.

“Oh my god Heather that’s great,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her tightly.

“How about you? You never told me where you got in, you’ve left we shivering with anticipation for a week,” she said.

“Um… I got into University of Michigan,” I said slowly.

“Congrats Zoey!” she said, smiling largely at me.

“Yeah, well I don’t think I’m going to go…” I said, running my hands through my hair.

“Why not? What are you going to do?” she asked.

“I-I don’t really know. All I know is that I just need to get out of Michigan,” I said, shaking my head.

“You can come stay with me in New York!” Heather said excitedly.

“No, I’m not going to mooch off of you. If I live on your couch I would feel like the worlds biggest loser,” I said, faking a small laugh.

“But you’re Zoey Banks, you can never be the worlds biggest loser!” Heather exclaimed.

“I don’t understand why people keep saying that to me, it’s like they think I’m a mythical creature or something. I’m a human, and I’m not perfect and I don’t even understand why people think I am that,” I said, tearing up slightly.

“Zoey please don’t get upset, you’re amazing and I only said that because I just want you to understand that,” Heather said, wrapping her arms around me.

“I love you Heather,” I said, clinging to her.

“Well I love you too babe,” she said, laughing slightly. 

☆ ☆ ☆

It was now three in the morning and I was still sitting in my bed, however now I was alone watching reruns of Friends. Ross had just finished yelling at Rachel that they were on a break when I heard a slight tapping at my window. I shut my laptop and stood from my bed, walking over to the window. I pulled open the glass and peered outside. I saw Luke standing in my yard, a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips and an unbuttoned plaid shirt covering his arms and broad shoulders. His hair was sticking up in all directions, and he was waving up to me with his left hand. His right hand was filled with the pebbles he was throwing against my window. I raised my eyebrows at him as he gestured for me to come downstairs. 

I slowly tiptoed downstairs and opened the back door, stepping into my yard and walking up to Luke.

“Cute sweatpants,” I said to him, smiling slightly.

“I was going to say the same to you,” he laughed, gesturing to my ratty old sweatpants that I was wearing.

“Not that it isn’t lovely to see you so early in the day, but why exactly are you here? And why were you throwing rocks at my window?” I asked.

“Well, firstly, I threw rocks at your window because I came over here so quickly I left my phone at home so it was the only thing I could think of doing. Also it's an adorable cliche that I wanted to do,” he laughed.

“Alright, so then why are you here?” I asked.

“Well, I’ve been thinking about your college situation all week,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Okay…” I said slowly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Well, you don’t want to stay here and I’m going to be in California…” he said, leaning in and placing a quick kiss on my forehead.

“Yes, thank you for stating the facts,” I laughed slightly.

“And, I was thinking… you should move in with me!” he said excitedly.

“W-what?” I stuttered, shocked at this invitation.

“I requested a single room so I wouldn’t have a roommate. While I’m at school you could figure out what you want to do and then maybe apply to schools in the spring or even the next year,” he said, looking into my eyes to try and figure out what I was thinking.

“Luke... wait have you even thought this through? Moving in together is a huge deal,” I said, shaking my head slightly.

“Zoey of course I’ve thought this through, and I know it would work. We would work. I love you so much and we practically already live at each others houses so it wouldn’t be much different,” he said.

“Luke, we’re eighteen. I love you, you know I do, but this is crazy. I can’t just thrust my self upon you and live in your dorm while you go about and live your life. I would be holding you back,” I said, tears forming in my eyes from his crazy sweet plan. 

“Zoey you could never hold me back, you’re what I need to go forward,” Luke said, placing his hands firmly on my shoulders.

“That was really cheesy,” I laughed, shaking my head slightly at him.

“Look, you don’t have to give me an answer right away if you don’t want to. But, will you please promise me to think about it? I honestly believe that this is the best option for the both of us,” he said, rubbing up and down my arms.

“I’ll think about it. But Luke, if I say no, please know that I love you so much and it’s not because of you that I would be declining,” I said, grabbing onto his hand and squeezing it slightly.

“Alright,” Luke said softly, leaning in and kissing me under the illumination of the street lamp.

☆ ☆ ☆

“Good morning sunshine,” Luke sang into the phone.

“Babe, it’s so early,” I moaned, rolling over.

“Zoey, it’s noon,” he said, laughing slightly.

“Well you kept me up until like five so whose fault is this?” I said.

“So… have you by any chance thought of what I asked you last night…well actually this morning?” he said anxiously.

“Yes I have,” I replied, sitting up.

“And…?” he asked.

“California here I come!” I said excitedly.

“Really?” Luke yelled.

“Yes really,” I replied, laughing slightly at his reaction.

“Oh my god Zoey this is going to be amazing! I love you but I’m going to hang up now and tell my dad!” he said.

“Alright babe, talk to you later,” I replied, hanging up the phone.

I sat on  my bed and reevaluated my response, feeling like I may later regret my decision to agree to move in with him.


guys, im sorry ive been so lame about updating. since the remainded of the story was deleted i have had a serious lack of motivation to finish it. but never fear, i'm going to pull my shit together so that i can finish this and start my new fic HEARTACHE ON THE BIG SCREEN, which i am super excited about. you can check out the prologue in the external link on the side. 

pls accept this gif of lukey as an apology 

sry about being lame, but vote and comment so that i feel even more motivated. 

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