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October 2nd 2024

"Kenna" Daniel whispered from the side of the bed "baby" he paused "Shit I'm sorry" I opened my eyes

"It's okay" I turned to him and put my face into his chest and closed my eyes again

"Ken, please get up" he tried to get up but I didn't let him "my legs are going dead from being on my knees" I used all my strength to pull him onto me, I heard him sigh in defeat "just five minutes okay" he places his head in my neck

"Daddy" Caden whispered "you're crushing mommy" I felt Danny laugh in my neck

"She's ok" he laughed "come on" I felt the five year old clamber on to the bed to join us.

Daniel moved so half of him was still on me and was able to put his face in my neck still. His arm went over my waist and pulled Caden close to us

"Don't we have to wake up?" Caden whispered to Daniel

"Yeah but mommy still is tired" Danny whispered back

"Can we still talk whilst she sleeps?" I smiled but my eyes remained closed

"Yeah of course" they were still whispering

"Do you think mommy is pretty" I felt Daniel smile at Cadens question

"She's more than pretty" he paused "She's-"

"Beautiful" Caden muttered, I felt the small hand touch my cheek

"Exactly what I was going to say"

"Five minutes is up!" Caden screamed getting up "mommy!"

"I'm awake" I opened my eyes but couldn't get up because of Daniel

"Daddy! She needs to get up!" He tried to pull Daniel off of me but he was failing

"Okay, okay, okay" Danny got off of the bed I sat up in the bed

"What time is it?" I asked, Caden picked up my phone from the beside table and showed me "3:36am?" He nodded

"Are flight is at 6" Daniel stated getting our bags towards the door "and wear comfy close it's a 12 hour flight" I smiled up at him "What?" He asked

"Nothing" I looked to my hands, he raised his eyebrow "I just like how you still care"

"Of course I do" he smiled widely "now get ready" he grabbed the bags and walked out of the room

I got up and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a sweater with a small top underneath in case I get to hot on the plane, I put my glasses on top of my head

"Hello" Corbyn smiled walking into my room

"Hey" he sat down on the bed next to me

"First, Christina made breakfast" I nodded "second, I wanted to make sure I could post this on my snapchat because last time I posted something when you and Daniel weren't dating eh"

"Show me what you want to post" I lent my head on his shoulder.

The video displayed Daniel, Caden and I lead on the bed from earlier with all of our eyes closed and the boys talking about me being beautiful

"First I want that video"

"I'll air drop it you know" he smiled

"And yes you may post it"

"Yes!" He jumped up "now, breakfast" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked out the bedroom door into the kitchen

"Good morning everyone" I smiled

"Pancakes!" Caden shouted back at me

"Pancakes?" I asked

"Pancakes" he said sternly

"We're having pancakes" Christina put the plateful on the table, I nodded

"Mom" I looked to Cade "you need these" he put a mixture of fruit and sources that you would not put together on a pancake

"Just like jack" I shook my head

"His name is noodles" Caden said in a sassy tone

"Who's your favourite though" I asked, he raised an eyebrow "out of the boys" he made an 'o' with his mouth


"Ha! Yes! In your face Daniel!" Corbyn screamed jumping up

"We were including dad?" Caden asked, I shook my head "if we were then he'd be my favourite"

"Ha! Yes! In your face Corbyn!" Daniel mocked him

After we all ate are food and sorted out our dishes our Uber's arrived.

"Get the bags!" Christina shouted like a mom "so, Daniel, Kenna and Caden are in the one Uber and Corbyn and I are in the other" we all nodded "also the rest are meeting us at the airport, let's go people!" She grabbed her bags and headed to the door

Corbyn picked up his and went after her, Daniel picked up his, caden' and mine, whilst I locked the door

"Oh yeah, this one is for you" I fiddled getting one of the house keys to give Daniel

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Yes, never been more sure" he smiled

"Quick!" Caden replied, the three of us piled into the Uber.

We soon arrived meeting, mum, Jordan, Ashley and Jenny

"Jordy!" Caden exclaimed, Jordan hugged him

"Hey" I pouted "I thought I was your favourite"

"You are" he came and hugged me

"Hey! That's unfair" ash crossed her arms

"Oh come on, I'm everyone's favourite" Corbyn joined in on our hug

"No arguing, come on we have a flight" my mum stood there with a cross look on her face, daniel put his arm around me

"Let's go in love" he whispered at me, I gave my mom one last look to see her face had softened before we all walked into the airport

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