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september 12th 2025

"hey how you feeling?" christina asked sitting at the table, i nodded "not feeling good?"

"nope, i just want to cry" i laughed

"kids?" she asked laughing

"no, studio and photography work and no where to put the kids"

"have you thought about an opair?"

"an opair?" i raised an eyebrow

"it's where someone comes and looks after your kids, whilst you do the things, they baso live in your house" she explained

"so basically a nanny?" she nodded "when did you get so smart?" i asked her

"when i started dating your brother"

"hey, i have the basement, that the person can stay in, it has a bathroom down the too, it can be their own little floor" i suddenly thought

"that would be good" she exclaimed "let's look!" she turned my laptop to face us both

"she looks good" i pointed to a profile with a girl called millie "she's eighteen, british, has experience with kids, she can drive"

"so she's the one?" i nodded

"i'll just check with danny" i smiled pulling up his contact

"hey baby, everything okay?" daniel asked with worry in his eyes

"yes?" i questioned soon hearing fans chant his name "oh god, you're in the middle of a show aren't you?" he nodded "i'm so sorry, this can wait"

"no, you and the kids come first, i love my fans but what's up?" he asked smiling

"i was wondering if you wanted to get an opair?" he looked confused

"basically a nanny" christina shouted

"i'll have to facetime them for an interview and you won't be here, they will live in our basement?"

"yeah, do what you want love, i trust your word, if you think that persons right-"

"dan, we need you back on stage" tyler stated

"yeah one sec" he turned back to me "i have to go but if you want to, do it, i love you" he ended the facetime

"so we all set to choose her?" chris asked

"yes" i smiled

"haha, look at this" she showed me a video of daniel going back on stage

"everything alright bro?" jonah asked through the mic as daniel ran back on

"yes" he smiled "it was kenna, sorry guys, i had to answer, i needed to know if she was alright" he said earning a load of 'awes' from the fans

"she is alright though yeah?" corbs asked

"yes, corb, she's okay"

"how do people upload this when it happened two seconds ago?" i asked chris

"i don't really know" she shrugged "so i've let the sight know that you want millie for six months"

"yes, thank you" i smiled

"they contact us in a few hours" she clasped her hands together

"can you watch the twins as i go pick up caden from school? please thank you" christina nodded "thank you, thank you" i kissed her forehead

driving to caden school blasting out songs made the journey go faster

"hey mom!" caden exclaimed running over to me with timmy and jess

"hey babies" i gave each a kiss on the forehead "want me to carry your bags" they nodded rapidly

on the way to pick up jake from middle school the other three told me what they did

"maths is so hard" timmy groaned

"it's not" caden argued

"that cause you're smart like your family" timmy argued back

"hey, no arguing in my car" they nodded

"hi" jake said climbing into the car "thanks for picking me up"

"it's okay, you don't need to thank me" i smiled and ruffled his hair, he pushed my hand

"you've got to stop doing that" he acted angry causing the other three to laugh

"now you're back, the site gave us millie's number and gave them hers" christina said as soon as i walked through the door

"okay, cool, so do we ring her?" i asked

"yes" she said sternly

"okay" i mumbled putting her number in to my phone then dialling

"hi!" a millie appeared on the screen

"hi, i don't really know what to do for this interview" i laughed

"me neither" she laughed "i'm glad you want me though"

"basically, you won't hurt my kids?" i joked

"no, i would never"

"can i trust you with my house? my kids? my money?" i asked a little more serious

"i'd like to think you can" she smiled "i'd like to help you in many ways"

"okay good" christina laughed

"i have a question" christina said

"go ahead"

"do you know who we are?" she asked

"i'm not going to lie" she pursed her lips together "i do but i promise not to leak your number anywhere and won't use you for fame"

"well then, i want you, here in my basement" she raised an eyebrow "oh god! that sounds creepy, i'm converting the basement so you have like your own floor" i laughed

"that's very kind of you, thank you"

"don't worry about flights, i'll pay-"

"are you sure?! i can pay" she started to panic

"i am sure" i smiled "can you come in three weeks? daniel will be back then and he can meet you"

"i can come when you need me too"

"okay good, i'll get going-"

"mom, who are you on the phone to?" caden asked

"millie, would you like to meet her?" he nodded

"hi millie! i'm caden" he waved at her through the phone

"hi i'm millie, i'll be staying with you"

"that's exciting! bye!" he walked back out the back most likely off to next door

"i'll send you flights and all soon, bye" i smiled

"bye" she ended the call

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