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April 10th 2025

Daniel, Caden and I walked up the steps to the hospital to see Corbyn waiting patiently for us

"Hi" he hugged me

"You look extremely tired" I laughed as we started walking in

"I am" he held cadens hand "ready to meet baby Besson"

"Yes!" Caden exclaimed

We walked in to Christina's room, who was lead in her bed holding her little girl

"you guys are here, hi" Christina smiled passing the baby to Corbyn

"We would like you to meet Nova Moon Besson" Corbyn smiled passing her to me

"Does Nova have a specific meaning?" Daniel asked caressing her cheek

"Nova means new in Latin, so her name is new moon" I smiled at dan "I can't believe you let him name your child after something in space" I laughed at Christina

"I mean" she started "it has a nice ring to it"

"It really does"

"Caden do you want to meet your baby cousin?" Corbyn asked the boy

"Oh, can I byn?"

"Of course you can, just sit on the chair" Corbyn smiled

Once Caden was sat nicely and gave him Nova, he soon wrapped his arms around the girl

"Hi Nova" Cade whispered quietly "I'm Caden, I'm your big cousin, I am five" Nova grabbed his one finger with her tiny hand "don't worry, soon you'll have girls to play with, my mommy is having two babies" he lent over a little and kissed her forehead

"Awe" Chris smiled tearing up

Jonah, Jack and Zach walked in watching Caden continuing to talk to Nova unfazed by the three walking in

"Caden" Chris said earning his attention "shall we let the other three meet her now?"

"Yeah, here you are" he motioned for one of us to take her off of him

Caden went and sat up next to Christina on the bed allowing me to sit on the chair instead

"You know ken, I thought you were bad in labour with Caden, boy was I wrong" Corbyn said earning a playful slap from Chris "I'm being serious though if you were squeezing moms hand as hard as she was to mine, I feel bad for mom"

"You agreed to be in the delivery room with mom and I. In fact you refused to have your hand squeezed you sat there telling me everything would be alright!" I laughed

"Don't forget you rang Daniel as well" Christina stated

"Oh yeah. Ha." Corbyn stuck his tongue out

"That was not a fun night" Jonah said

"Do we have to discuss this?" Daniel asked "I mean everyone already knows"

"I don't" Caden smiled

"When your mommy gave birth to you, daddy wasn't there, he received a phone called from byn and daddy cried with jo" he pointed at himself "held daddy cuddling him" Jonah explained

"Oh" Caden got up and hugged Daniels legs "it's okay daddy" Daniel picked him up kissing his head

The door opened revealing my mom

"Hey saskia" the boys chirped

"Hi boys" she smiled back

"Hey love" she kisses Christina's head "how are you feeling?"

"My lower region hurts like a bitch" she replied

"I did not want to know that" Zach squirmed

"Hey!" Caden got my moms attention

"Hi Cade" she smiled taking him off of Daniel

"There is not just a new baby in here" he sassed

"I know, I was just getting to you"

"Is someone jealous?" Jack asked

"No" Caden looked at him "I just felt unloved"

"Awe cady, ill always love you" jack smiled taking him away and out the door

"If he's like that with Nova then what's he going to be like that with the twins?" Jonah asked

"I don't know" I shrugged

"Well mom this is Nova Moon Besson" Corbyn handed her his daughter

"She's beautiful" my mom breathed out

Jack and Caden walked back into the room holding chocolate laughing

"I think jack, Zach and I will head off" Jonah started "give you all some family time"

"Can I go with you?" Caden asked tugging on jacks top

"That's up to your parents little dude" jack smiled

"Can I please go with jack, Jonah and Zach?" He asked daniel and I

"Yeah, knock yourself out for a few hours" Daniel smiled

"Can I talk to your first Kenna?" Jack asked, I nodded stepping out the room "so I found out why Caden got upset"

"Why?" I asked

"Well where he doesn't see your mom often as she lives in Virginia, he said he just got upset that she never acknowledged him and went straight to the baby and he loves ma very much" jack explained

"I had a feeling it was that, he always asked to visit her but I can't just pull him out of school" I gave him a soft smile

The door to the room started opening with the four stepping out

"Bye mom!" Caden gave me a quick hug then running down the hall

"Bye Guys" I hugged the three

"You'll let me know when you pop right?" Zach asked hugging me again

"I'm not due till another three months" I laughed hugging him slightly tighter

"Will-" I cut Zach off

"For the last time, i am not calling my daughters after you" I gave him a stern look

"Damn" he pulled away from the hug noticing the other three had gone "I best be going, see you soon" he smiled at me walking backwards down the corridor

I slipped back into the room seeing them all smile at me

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