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July 17th 2025

"Pst, Dan, wake up" I heard Kenna say starting to shake me "oh my god!" She breathed out

I opened my eyes to She her standing round my side of the bed

"Not to panic you Danny but" she let out a screeched sort of sound "but I'm going into labour"

"Are you serious?" I asked

"No, I'm fucking joking" she said though gritted teeth

"Okay" I said standing up putting a pair of sweats and a hoodie on "sit"

"What the fuck do you mean sit?! I'm about to blow!"

"Has your water broke yet?" I asked, she shook her head

"Good, So you can sit while I take Caden and Jess to Amanda" I ran upstairs, I gently picked the two up from Cadens bed

"What's happening?" Caden asked rubbing his eyes

"Yours sisters are coming, we need to take you next door" I knocked on their door

"Daniel?" Amanda answer "what are you doing her at 2:13am?" She asked taking the kids

"Kennas gone into labour"

"Well go! Don't just stand there"

"Right" I ran through the gate and into the house, to see Kenna stood in a puddle

"My water just broke!" She said through breaths, I just grabbed Kenna and took her to the car

"Why have you stopped?!"

"I'm at a red light kenna!" I said slightly panicking

We soon reached the hospital, Kenna got put in a wheel chair and took to a room

"What do you mean I can't push until I'm fully dilated! I want the things out!" Kenna shouted in pain

"I'm sorry miss but you're not fully dilated" the doctor said checking

"What if I just push huh?" Kenna threatened "What are you gonna so about it?!"

"You'll only hurt yourself"

"Ugh I hate this!" She through her arms up in frustration

"You need to breathe" I rubbed her hand with my thumb

"I need to breathe?! No shit Daniel! You try giving birth!" She yelled at me

"I would gladly take your position but unfortunately I can't"

After about six hours the doctors announced that Mackenna was fully dilated and she can start to push

"Okay, Kenna, I need you to push hard" the doctor instructed

"I don't think I can" she breathed out

"You can ready, 3, 2, 1, push" on my command she squeezed my hand and pushed

"Keep pushing" the doctor looked at her smiling

"I hate you daniel!" She squeezed my hand once again

"Keep going!"

"I can't, I really can't" she cried "owe" she screamed in pain

"I see a head!" The doctor "I say about three more pushes and your first one will be out"

"Good! Because I want the fucking thing out!" Kenna pushed

Soon we heard the cries of a baby

"You did it" I kissed Kennas head "now the next one"

"Do you want to cut the cord?" I nodded my head going over to her

"Hello princess" I cooed at the new born in my arms "come on ken, you've got this" she nodded eagerly

"Ready to push?" She asked

"Yeah" kenna said confidently

About five minutes after our other beautiful baby girl was born

"You did it baby" I handed her the babies

"Welcome to the world Alaska Jane and Olivia Jae, I love you" Kenna smiled at them, her eyes started to roll back

"Kenna! Please!" I started crying

"We're loosing her!" A doctor shouted

"Sir we're going to need you to leave" another doctor said holding the twins

"I'm not leaving her!"

"Sir please, come with me please" I took another glance at Kenna

I followed the lady to a room where she placed the girls in their beds

"She'll come to here" I nodded sniffing, dialling Corbyn


"Corb-" I cut myself off by sobbing

"Daniel bud, what happened?"

"She was holding the girls, her eyes starting rolling back, I got kicked out the room"

"Where are the girls now?"

"With me" I paused "were in Kennas room"

"I'm coming now, hang in there for me" Corbyn hung up the phone

After twenty minutes there was still no news on Kenna, I snapped out of my trance when someone knocked on the door

"Come in" my voice cracked, Corbyn entered

"Come here" he sat next to me opening his arms

"I don't know what went wrong" I sobbed into his chest "she did so well"

"She'll be okay, it's Kenna, she's always okay" he smiled "so do I get to meet my nieces?" He asked

"Yeah" I stood up picking up Alaska "meet Alaska Jane Seavey" I placed her into his arms

"Hi" Corbyn cooed

"This is Olivia Jae Seavey" I sat next to him holding her

"They resemble Kenna so much" he awed he watched as Alaska opened her eyes "she has your eyes"

"They do" I smiled up at Corbyn

"When's Caden coming to meet them?"

"I don't want him to yet until I know Kenna is definitely okay" he gave me a soft nod understanding "how are you so strong? How do you do it?"

"I'm not sure" Corbyn sighed "I think positive, I've always thought that about Kenna but it doesn't mean I'm not worrying" he said swapping babies

"I don't get it" I shook my head "you haven't broke down or anything"

He laughed "oh I have definitely broke down, all the way here but if I'm strong, I know that you'll get through this, you just need someone to show you" he smiled

"Thank you"

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