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august 6th 2025

"daniel" i said panicked

"yeah?" he replied getting ready on facetime

"can you stay on the phone for a little longer, i hear something from the living room" another bang "i think there's someone in the house"

"what do you mean someone's in the house" i stated silent "kenna! it's dark in our bedroom, i can't see you and i'm in a different country" he whisper shouted

"i'm going to look"

"don't you dare! what if you get hurt?" he asked

"i just want to check" i said going out of the bedroom "there's definitely someone there" i flipped the camera so daniel could see the silhouette of a man

daniel stayed quite as he didn't want the man to know i was there, i flipped the light switch on revealing jonah

"jonah! what the fuck?! it's 2am!" i asked him still whispering

"this isn't my house?" he asked confused

"are you drunk?!"

"i've had a few, did i startle you?" he asked

"yes! i'm on facetime to daniel thinking something bad was going to happen!" jonah sat down and turned to me

"i'm so fucking sorry" he bursted out in tears

"daniel, i'm going to sort this out, have a good day" i sighed "i love you"

"i love you too" he ended the call

"jonah?" i sat next to him "what's wrong hun? this can't keep happening" i sighed

"i know it can't" he took a breath "but i can't make the pain go"

"tell me what's going on" i stared to hug him

"i'm lonely" he looked at me "i'm so fucking lonely, everyone seems to be around me but no ones with me" he started to cry again "zach got a girl pregnant but she doesn't want to be with him"

"what's that to do with you being lonely?" i asked

"it just adds stress, i was seeing a girl"

"a girl? how long?" i raised an eyebrow causing him to chuckled

"well four months but not anymore, i fucked it up, i love her so much but i can't seem to keep her" he put his head on my lap "we argue over the little things. i just want a relationship like yours and danny's, it's perfect"

"that's where you're wrong" i chuckled "if it was perfect, i wouldn't have ran away all those years ago. i wouldn't of kept caden a secret, we argue over the tiniest things but i still love him and he loves me, we're still getting married" i smiled "you have to make it work and not give up just because of one argument"

"i guess you're right, so if i talk it out to her and if she loves me enough too. we can make it work?" i nodded "i'll talk to her tomorrow" he smiled "can i stay in the spare room?"

"of course you can" he started to get up "as long as you stopped turning up at my house pissed"

"no promises" he winked at me before walking up the stairs

"hey jonah?"

"yeah?" he turned around

"promise you'll talk to her?" i asked

"that i can promise" i smiled "goodnight ken"

"night" i walked into my room, slipping into my bed

walking out of my bedroom in the morning with a baby hysterically crying finding jonah cooking

"come on ollie" i said shushing her

"does she need anything?" jonah asked, i shook my head

"nope, unless you can magic daniel here" i laughed "this one is definitely a daddy's girl"

"so she won't stop unless she's with daniel?"

"she will but it will take longer" she started to calm down "she likes daniels voice and heartbeat, especially his heartbeat" he laughed

"his heartbeat?" he asked

"all three like daniel or i's heartbeat, it helps them calm down but she just seems to like daniels and no one else" i now held the sleeping baby

i walked into my room placing ollie back down in her cot hoping she doesn't wake up again

"here is breakfast for putting up with me last night" he chuckled putting the plate in front of me

there was a knock at the door before zach came through

"so i'm stressed out" he started

"oh yeah why?" i asked as he walked over to the cooker getting himself some breakfast

"because may is pregnant but what makes it worst is she doesn't want to be with me" he sat down with a slouch

"is she keeping it?" jonah asked

"i don't even know! i'd like a child" zach put his head down

"have you spoke to her about it?" he shook his head "maybe you should try?"

"maybe but what if she doesn't want to carry the baby for nine months just for me to have it?" he shrugged

"maybe she might want you by the end of it?" jonah suggest

"oh fuck off" zach replies in a jokingly way "like that will ever happen" he huffed

"i'm just trying to help" he laughed

"you may have been like my dad when i was sixteen but i'm now twenty four" zach pointed his fork at jonah

"at least ya didn't fuck your relationship up you dickwad" he joked back

"you know what?" they both turned to me "once you've finished your breakfast jonah ever so kindly made, get your asses out of my house and talk to them" i picked my plate up to put in the dish washer

"okay mom" they said at the same time causing me to roll my eyes


happy motherfreaking birthday to me! :)

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