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"Why did you trip over a box?" Caden asked from right beside me

"I didn't mean to" I protested

"You shouldn't of put the box there" Caden sassed


"What if it was mom?" Caden asked

"But it wasn't"

"What if it was?" He asked again

"Then she'd be here" I felt terrible once I imagined her here instead

"She wouldn't be able to go on tour" I stayed quiet "and then that would of be twice"

"What?" Daniel asked

"Mom was meant to go on tour a while ago back in New York" he looked into my eyes "but she explained how you'd be in the same city and she couldn't risk you coming to her show and then she cry. She thinks I didn't understand but I did"

"She didn't go on tour because of me?" I whispered, he nodded

"It's okay though, she's happy and you're happy, she needed you"

"You knew about me?" He nodded

"She didn't know I knew, byn showed me a photo album and I pointed to a photo of you and mom" he explained

"I'm sorry it took you so long to meet me" I held him close

"We're here now" he smiled, mackenna and Corbyn walked in and sat down, I mouthed a simple 'thank you to him' he winked at me

"Visiting hours are nearly over" she said, I nodded but Cade started crying

"I don't want to leave daddy" he sniffled "he's hurt and needs my hugs" he pouted

"Hey baby" she rubbed his back as he was cuddled in my side "you can FaceTime him later and you can talk to him while going to bed"

"Okay" he gripped on my t-shirt harder

"I do need your hugs" he looked up and smiled "but tomorrow when you get home from school, I'll be home and you can hug me all you want"

"Okay, bye daddy, I love you" he smiled getting off the bed

"I love you too"

"Bye" Kenna kissed me "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Corbs you coming?" She asked

"I'm going to stay here for five more minutes" he smiled at her which she nodded too and left "hey man"


"I'm presuming Caden told you or you're just really thankful for me" he laughed, I nodded "so which bit did he tell you?"

"All of it" I sighed "how Kenna didn't go on tour because of me-"

"Wait that was because of you?" I nodded "she told me something came up for the one date"

"Caden told me different" I shrugged "and how he knew how I was his dad because of you"

"Shit! I didn't think you meant that!" Corbyn exclaimed

"So that's not what you meant?" I asked

"God no! I meant that I brought him a teddy for while you were in here! If Kenna ever found out I told him, I'd be dead! Do you understand!" The older boy over exaggerated

"Yes but I know"

"Who cares if you know?"

"Me because you known the entire time that's she was running away with my child and then you tell him that I am his dad but yet I was still in the dark whilst he begged to meet me"

"Look bro, you know if it was my choice I would of told you" he gave me a sympathetic look

"All the times you went off to New York to see all three whilst I only thought it was only the two"

"I know I'm sorry" he sighed "I probably should of told you but I also had to respect Mackenna's decision"

"I know, I know" I muttered "I didn't mean to snap at you like that"

"You have every right to Dan" he looked up at me "but look forward to the new one, she or he is going to know who exactly who you are and you're going to know who they are" he smiled

"Yeah, that's pretty exciting" I clapped my hands together

"Hey" my nurse peered her head in after politely knocking "visiting hours are now over unfortunately" she lightly smiled at Corbyn

"I'm just on my way" Corbyn replied grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair he was sat on "I'll see you when you're home?" I nodded

"I'm just going to do your checks" I nodded, she walked over to the monitor and ticked somethings off of my list "Okay, you're all set there, you should be able to leave anytime tomorrow. Your son is very adorable Mr. Seavey"

"He is isn't he?" She nodded

"I met him as he was coming out of your room, he very polite and very intellectual"

"He gets that from his mother" I chuckled

"Right, I need to fill your jug of water up" she picked up the nearly empty jug up off of the table "you've had your food yes?"

"Yes" she nodded proceeding to take the jug out

My phone started ringing, I picked it up to see a FaceTime call from Kenna

"Hey" I smiled as Caden appeared on my screen "isn't it a bit late for you? It's 8 you're bed time is at 7:30"

"I'm a big boy, I go to school!" He protested

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