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september 31st 2025

fans are posting about me taking a fan home and that i'm cheating on you.

that's actually hilarious

it's not even funny, you both are laughing about it but my fans seriously think i'm cheating on you

it's actually great

so you're saying you want me to cheat?

no. i just think it's funny, are you on your way home now?

yes, all six of us are in the car, see you at home xxx

not long after i received the text from danny all six walked through the door with their suitcases

"i'm never going in a car with you lot again, it's chaotic" millie huffed in her british accent

"hi! i see you've met the boys" i hugged her "i hope you didn't have to wait too long for them?" she shook her head

"no, only 30 minutes or so" she realised the hug "fans went crazy when they saw daniel hug me and walked out with me" she laughed

"they tend to do that"

"oh no, hi danny, i've missed you so much danny, i love you danny, i wanted to kiss you danny" daniel complained, i stuck my middle finger up at him "oh my god! what happened to your hand?" he frantically asked

"funny you asked" i looked at my cut and bruised hand "it's your fault"

"how?! i haven't even been here" he stuck his tongue out at me

"well christina-"

"so it's christina's fault then" he said

"filming a youtube video and i went on your skateboard and fell off, end of story" i smirked

"oh no, hi bestfriend, i've missed you bestfriend" zach complained like danny

"fuck the lot of ya"

"fuck" caden screamed

"no" i screamed back

"you just said it" he folded his arms "fuck fuck fuck"

"that's enough, go to your room" daniel pointed to the stairs

"fuck the lot of ya" caden whispered before walking up the stairs

"you can definitely tell that's your son" jack smiled

"are you all going to go home? or" i asked

"oh, no, hi corbyn, i love you corbyn, you're the best big brother corbyn? rude" corbyn threw himself on the sofa

"no hi jonah? just get out of my house jonah?" he put himself next to corbyn where they both were throwing their tantrums

"no hi j-"

"don't even start" i cut jack off

"we're leaving again in two days and this is how you treat us?" jack fake cries

"why isn't caden at school?" daniel asked

"he's not very well" i replied ignoring jack

"what's up with him?" he asked more questions

"chest infection, nothing serious" i smiled up at daniel "he's taking his medicine and he'll be better in no time" i reassured him pecking his lips "oh shit, millie, i'll show you the downstairs" she laughed

"it's okay, it's fun watching everything unfold with where i'm staying!" she smiled following me

"so it's really weird, but to go downstairs you have to go under the stairs" i opened the door

"i haven't seen it yet!" daniel pouted giving me puppy eyes

"come on then baby" i motioned with my hand for him to come

us three walked down stairs with daniel carrying millie's suitcase even though she protested.

"wow, this is beautiful" millie breathed out

"you think?" i asked "it's kinda like daniels and i, plain white with my polaroids stuck everywhere" i panicked

"i like it" daniel jumped on her bed

"the bathroom, is just through there, as you can see there's a couch with a tv for you" i smiled

"this is so much, you didn't have to" she giggled

"you have access anywhere in the room, you can eat anything at anytime, basically treat it as your house and we'll have no problems" i noticed daniel half asleep "you can go into my bedroom as the twins-"

"oh my god!" daniel shot up "i completely forgot they existed for a split second" he hurriedly ran back up the stairs

"they have a room upstairs but they're in our room for now, please enjoy it here" i smiled leaving her to get settled in

reaching upstairs i noticed daniel was the only one missing, assuming he was with the twins

"hey guys" i smiled softly with my eyes watering

"are you crying?" jonah asked, i nodded

"i've missed you all so much" i sniffled "and love you all" they all ran up to me giving me the biggest group hug squeezing me

"there's no need to cry" zach cooed

"we're here now" jack added

"we love you too" corbyn ruffled my hair

"it gets lonely with out one of you barging into my house, eating my food" i sniffled a laugh

"hey! why wasn't i invited to this group hug!" daniel shouted coming back into the room

"you were to busy with your baby girls" corbyn teased

"no" he shook his head "my baby girl is right there" he pointed at me "and she's crying" his face softened holding his arms out causing my to run straight into them

"i need to get to my apartment and see my girls" corbyn smiled "i'll see you guys later, beach?" we all nodded

"well leave you guys to have family time, i'll drag these two back with me" jonah smiled causing the two boys to pout

daniel brought me to our bed and laid us down holding me tight

"put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut" daniel whispered and i did what he asked

i pulled away "wait, did you just serenade me with ed sheeran lyrics" daniel shrugged

"maybe but it worked" we both laughed placing our lips back together

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