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12th december

"kenna stop pacing!" ashley exclaimed

"i can't!"

"you're about to get married!" eve said smiling

"i know!"

"stop moving!" sam said

"it's helping!"

"i don't think it is" bella laughed

"where is reese and isla, svea?" i asked "i have five bridesmaids! three flower girls! and four are missing! where is anna?!"

"calm down!" all of the girls shouted

"hello ladies" corbyn walked in with christina both holding a twin each

"oh my god, i didn't even realise chris was missing" i muttered

"don't painic" i shot corbyn a glare "but daniel thinks you're dead"


"oh and that you've been abducted by aliens" christina added

"that's hilarious" ashley laughed "and i thought kenna was bad"

"i found three flower girls" jordan said walking in with them

"kenna" keri opened the door "i know you're ready and you're not meant to see daniel but he really needs you right now" she smiled sympathetically

"wait!" sam said "wear this" she handed me a huge robe "now he won't see you're dress" causing everyone to shake their heads laughing

i followed keri down the hallway into daniels room

"see! you dickwad i told you she wasn't dead!" zach screamed at daniel

"now now zach, don't scream at the boy" daniel looked up covering his eyes "it's okay guys, i've got this" they nodded leaving the room

"it's not good to see you before the wedding" he mumbled

"well you can't see anything if you look" he uncovered his eyes smiling once he saw the robe

"sams idea?" i nodded

"now do you want to tell me why i've got to come in here?"

"it's stupid really, my thoughts got the best of me, i hadn't seen you since yesterday morning, i thought you-"

"had died and got abducted by aliens all at the same time" i chuckled

"yes, yes i did" i kissed him

"everything is going to be okay, we're are going to be husband and wife in twenty minutes the days going to go smoothly" he nodded "okay? so get your shit together cause you're about to be stuck with me forever"

"i love you" he kissed my head

"i love you too, i'll see you soon"

i walked back to my room

"he's all yours boys"

"so he doesn't think you're dead anymore?" jack asked


"oh thank god!" jack kissed my cheek leaving the room with jonah and corbyn

"my best friend is getting married" zach sighed happily "you're so old" he faked cried

"i'm only twenty six!" i slapped his chest

"i'm happy for you" he smiled

"and i'm proud of you" i smiled back "being a single parents going to be so hard"

"my little girl is due january 8th" he started to tear up "i'm so happy may agreed"

"are you scared she's going to change her mind?" he shook his head

"no, she doesn't want anything to do with her" he gave me a sad smile

"hey zach, the boys are ready to go out" corbyn said stepping in

"i'll see you out there" he smiled before leaving

"are you ready?" corbyn asked, i shook my head "why?"

"what if i trip?"

"don't be silly, you're not going to" he laughed "the girls are with mom and jordan, all three, nova, alaska and olivia" i took the robe off revealing my dress, grabbing my flowers "and the brides maids and flowers girls are all outside"

"okay" he started to pull me out "wait, thank you"

"thank you?" he asked

"for sticking with me, raising caden with me, carrying me through life, thank you, you're the best brother i could ever ask for" i hugged him

"come on, they're all waiting" he held my hand that was wrapped around his arm

"let's get this wedding on!" the girls shouted

we reached the doors of the church, corbyn gave me a reassuring smile before the doors open. the girls shortly following behind.

when i finally looked up i caught eye contact with the person i love the most. daniel. i love daniel the most.

corbyn kissed my temple before handing my hand over to daniel who was silently crying tears of joy.

"hi" he whispered with a smile on his face

i returned the smile "hi"

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