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29th November 2024 (there's been a time skip)

This morning I woke up with morning sickness, I haven't really had it yet but now it's kicking in. Daniel and the boys are in New York for interviews so he's missing the first appointment which he's disappointed about.

I was cooking breakfast for Caden before he went to school whilst he's on FaceTime to Daniel

"Daddy when are you coming home?" He asked

"In two days bub why?" I placed his food on the table and I sat in front of him

"Because momma is sick" I looked up from my food "she threw up this morning" Daniel laughed "it's not funny dad" he huffed

"You're right, I'm sorry"

"Gheez Daniel, I could be dying over here" I playfully rolled my eyes so Caden could see

"Yeah yeah, we totally don't know the problem" Daniel rolled his eyes back at me

"We best be going, I love you"

"I love you more" Daniel smiled before hanging up the call

"You know why you're throwing up?" Caden asked

"You'll find out later" he smiled nodding

After dropping Caden, Jake, Timmy and Jess off at school, I made my way to the hospital

"Hello miss, how can I help you?" The receptionist smiled

"Hi, i have an appointment" I returned the smile


"Mackenna Besson"

"The nurse is ready for you now. So if you go to the ward, they'll see to you" she smiled pointed to the door

"Thank you"

I walked up the stairs to the first floor to the maternity ward receptionist

"Mackenna right?" The young lady smiled up at me, I nodded "Come with me"

We walked down the corridor until we reached a door

"You can go in"

"Thank you" I smiled walking in

"Good morning, I'm your nurse, I'm Kath" she motioned for me to lie on the bed

"You can call me Kenna" she nodded

"So I'm going to put this gel on your stomach which will be cold and we're going to see little you on this screen. Have you had a child before?" She asked rubbing the gel on

"Yes" I smiled "I have a five year old boy"

"So is the father not here?"

"No he's at work" she nodded

"Well Kenna here's you little ones" she pointed to the screen

"Little ones?"

"Congratulations you're having twins" I cupped my mouth

"Oh my god" i started crying

"We won't know the gender yet but we can find out at your next appointment" I nodded

"Thank you" I laughed

"How many print outs would you like?"

"Can I have three please?"

"Of course you can" she rubbed the access gel off of my stomach "here are the print outs, I'll see you further on"

"Thank you"

I made my way out to the car, I decided I would go to the Seavey household as they were in their apartment in Los Angeles instead of Portland.

I pulled up to their apartment complex and parked, I knocked on the door

"Hey hunny" Keri hugged me "I've told you, you don't need to knock you're part of this family" she moved and let me in

"I know that" I laughed "I actually have some news"

"Come on into the living room, Jeff and Anna are in there" she said leading the way

"So I have one of these to give to you" I handed Keri the folded scan, she opened it carefully. She gasped

"Your pregnant! Oh my god!" She hugged me tightly

"Mom" Anna said "you missed the fact that there are two babies on this scan" she said calmly

"With twins!" I nodded "This is exciting! Does Daniel know?"

"He knows I'm pregnant, we found out whilst we were in Spain but he doesn't know it's twins and I want to keep it that way until he comes back" they all nodded

Anna came and hugged me "I'm just waiting for the marriage, I have been since day one" she whispered causing us both to laugh

"Congrats!" Jeff acted like Keri jumping up and down screaming "but thank you for blessing me with my grandchildren"

"You're very welcome" I gave him a hug "I need to leave, I'll see you guys soon" I turned to leave "and that scan is yours to keep"

I quickly dropped one off at my moms house and went home


"Caden!" I shouted up the stairs


"Can you come down here quickly?!"

"I'll be right back mr. Bear!" He shouted running to the stairs "auntie Christina!" He hugged her

"Hello" she smiled, I nodded to her to put the video on

"Can you sit on the sofa for me baby" he nodded sitting down "I'm going to show you something okay"

"It's not a spider is it?" I shook my head "good, I don't like them but one I tried to kill one and jo told me not to" he muttered on, I handed him the scan of the twins "what am I meant to do with this?" He asked

"Open it" I smiled

"There is two fat lumps in black and white" he caused Christina and I to laugh

"Look carefully" Chris said still laughing

"There? No way! There babies!" I laughed "Are they in there?!" He pointed to my stomach

"Yeah, you're going to be a brother"

"A brother! Yes!" He ran and placed his hand on my stomach and Christina ended the video "is this why you've been throwing up?" He asked

"Yes" I sat down next to him

"At least you're not ill" he smiled "Chrissy did you know?" She nodded

"Wow" he breathed out "I'm going to be a brother"

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