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august 15th 2025

"hey love, we're home" i said walking through the door with caden and i's suitcase

"shush" caden whispered

"what? why?" i whispered back, he pointed to the sofa where kenna laid there asleep with the twins on top of her also sleeping

"they're sleeping" caden smiled

"shall we leave them and get you up to bed?" he pouted at me "come on it's late"

"can i not stay in with you and mom?" he asked

"sure but let's still get you changed" he nodded, heading to the stairs

caden sat on his bed whilst i went in his draws to find some pjs

"any particular one you want?" he nodded

"dinosaurs" he stood next to me

"these ones?" he nodded

after helping caden get dressed, we walked down the stairs holding mr bear

"you want to get in the bed already?" i asked

"can you tuck me in?" i nodded

"of course" we quietly walked past kenna into my bedroom "in the middle" i pointed

caden quickly jumped in the middle of the bed going under the covers. i walked over kissing him on the head

"i'll be in, in a sec" he nodded tiredly closing his eyes

i walked back over to kenna and the twins, picking up aj first who moved slightly then proceeding to pick up ollie who awoke

"shush, please don't start crying" i begged the new born, she yawn moving her head ever so slighty so it was on my heartbeat

walking back to my bedroom, caden was fast asleep, placing both twins on the bed causing ollie to start crying

"baby please" i whispered picking her back up, she soon calmed down and asleep, placing her in her cot and doing the same to aj

i went back to pick kenna up slowly moving her to the bed room placing her down on the bed, i slowly removed her pants making sure not to wake her, pulling the covers over her.

i slowly climbed in carefully trying not to wake the sleeping pair

waking up to a baby crying, i sat up rubbing my eyes checking the time, 5:28am, kenna started to sit up

"hey, no baby, go back to sleep" i told kenna, getting out of the bed

"danny? when did you get back?" she asked

"earlier, you were asleep so i moved you and the girls" she nodded to my statement as i picked up alaska

as i calmed the sobbing girl kenna sat watching, eventually aj calmed down and fell back to sleep. after putting her back to bed i crawled on top of kenna and rested my head on her chest

"i missed you" i whispered, she placed her lips on my forehead

"i missed you too" she wrapped her arms around me "what did you do?"

"a bunch of tourist things" she laughed "caden enjoyed buckingham palace the most"

"was it because the lions are gold?" i nodded

"most likely" i smiled "and he said something about it being crispy"


"yep, not to sure what he meant" i laughed, she sighed "hey" i looked up at her with tired eyes "what's wrong?"

"nothing" she cuddled further into my head

"come on ken, i know you better than that"

"it just" she stopped herself from sobbing "i missed you so much and caden of course. you were gone for two weeks and you're only here for another two weeks before you're off on tour again and-"

"hey, hey, calm down" i wiped the tears falling down her cheek "so this is about missing me?" she shrugged "it's okay, you can admit you'll miss me, i'll miss you too" she nodded

"i'm going to miss you" she squeezed me a little harder "i'm going to miss you so much and i don't think i want to, i cant and i won't"

"what do you mean you won't?" i started to panic

"i won't miss you" she paused "i mean i'll
miss you so damn much but if i act like i don't it might not hurt as much"

"mackenna" i sat up between her legs "i'm not going to act like i don't miss you again. you saw where that got us, you ran off for six years, i'm not risking that again"

"i know" she whispered

"you're allowed to admit how you feel baby"

"okay, okay" she breathed out "you're going to be on tour until like our wedding and you're only be back with in a few days each time, how are we meant to plan our wedding?" i shrugged

"we'll figure it out" i smiled "there's facetime"

"how are we meant to taste things, look at things?" she asked

"we will book that or whatever on the days i'm back, you're not in this alone, okay?"

"okay" i lead back down "i love you"

"i love you too baby"

Caden || daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now