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30th November 2024

"Hey mom- Hey Kenna" Tyler walked in

"Hey, it's just Anna and I right now"

"How come your here?" He asked walking into the kitchen

"Very long story" I sighed

"I think daniel was going to pop by and drop Caden off with mom" he shrugged

"Oh hey ty" Anna walked in

"Well if he does that I'm leaving and then when Daniels gone I'll come back" I started to put my shoes on

"You're avoiding Daniel?" I nodded frowning

"That's a very touchy subject" Anna interrupted before Tyler could pry, we all turned to the door once there was a knock

"Okay, Bye, I'll be in your room Anna, make up a story thanks" I ran into the room

"Hey lil man" Tyler said he said to Caden "how are you?" I presume he was taking to Daniel

"Where's mom?" He responded

"Out grocery shopping" Anna chirped

"Is Kenna here? She's not? Is she at least staying here. I just want to know if she's safe, she's not at the boys house, the girls house and she wouldn't fly to Virginia without Caden"

"She's staying here but she's with mom" Tyler stated, I silently thanked him

"Pssst" I heard the door open

"Caden?" I asked

"Hi mom" he came and hugged me

"How did you know?" I asked him

"I'm not stupid" he said sassy "Anna hinted but not hinted enough for dad to know, what actually happened?" He asked

"I'll tell you when he goes, okay?" He nodded

"Caden!" I heard Daniel coming closer

"Quick!" Caden whispered shouted "get the other side of the bed" I obeyed the five year old

"Hi dad" he said getting off the bed and walking to the door

"I'm going now, I'll pick you up later as I'm in the studio and mommy should be coming back soon" Daniel then kissed his forehead "I love you"

"I love you too" I then heard the footsteps leave  "it's clear" I popped my head out to see In fact it is clear

"You lair" I joked

"I am no lair, he didn't ask if you were in here, did he?" I shook my head "exactly" he pointed his finger

"Let's go in the kitchen with Tyler and Anna" he nodded

"Anna! I got your clue!" We walked in but my face dropped, he hadn't left the apartment yet, Caden looked back and mouthed 'sorry' I shook my head at him showing that it was fine. Tyler gave me a look of sympathy

"Did you hide her from me?" Daniel asked his siblings

"Kenna? When did you get back?" Tyler asked ignoring Daniel

"Ty, you don't have to cover but thanks" I shook my head smiling, Anna looked at me asking do you wanna talk to him I shook my head

"Mom, can we go back to Anna's room" he asked tugging my shirt

"Of course we can-"

"Actually Caden, can I talk to her first?" Caden looked at me for an answer and I shook my head

Caden || daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now