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11th October 2024

We landed back in Los Angeles about two days ago. Daniel and I came into agreement that he would move in with me and Caden, so there are currently boxes around the living room.

"Caden baby" I gently shook him awake


"You start school today" he shot

"Yes! I can't wait!" He ran downstairs

"Be careful! You could of fell!" I heard the panic in Daniels voice coming from the kitchen

"Sorry" Caden smiled innocently "what's for breakfast?" I walked into the kitchen

"Your favourite" Daniel looked over his shoulder to the five year old

"Pancakes!" He screamed

"Cade" I grabbed his attention "you need to get dressed before Jake, Timmy and Jessica gets here"

"Jessica?" He asked walking back up the stairs with me

"The girl from next door" he nodded "were taking her to school as her parents are working" he smiled taking his pjs off.

We picked out a pair of jeans, top and hoodie, i helped him put each item on, we soon walked down the stairs and back to the kitchen.

I opened the front door to reveal Simon and Amanda with their three children. Simon and Amanda are a few years older than me and have three kids being Jake who is twelve, Timmy who is eight and then Jessica who is five

"Kenna!" The girl screamed hugging me

"Hey" Caden pouted "that's my mom" he hugged me too

"Hey Kenna" Amanda gave my a quick hug "thank you for doing this"

"No worries, what are neighbours for?" I laughed, I've met all three before and become good friends with the two parents "Daniel is cooking pancakes for you three and Cade, if you want to go through"

"Bye mom, bye dad" she gave each a kiss and walked with Caden, the two boys just waved

"Are you moving?" Simon asked

"No, what?" I raised an eyebrow

"You got boxes all over the living room" he stated

"Oh yeah, Daniels moving in" I smiled

"Oh my god! Yes!" Amanda exclaimed

"Well we best get to work, thank you again" Simon smiled leaving the house with his wife closing the door

After everyone had finished their pancakes, they all grabbed their bags and headed to the car

"Jake, do you want to get dropped off first?" I turned my head to the boy in the passenger seat

"Actually yeah, thank you" he smiled, we arrived at the middle school

"Good luck today" he smiled "first day of middle school, you're gonna be good"

"Thanks" he started getting out the car

"Oh and Daniel is picking you up" he smiled shutting the door. He waved at me and I pulled off to drive the other three to elementary

"Okay, up and out the car" I opened the door, I held the two youngest as Timmy walked slightly in front of me

"Timmy!" A little boy screamed across the yard, Timmy kissed me cheek as I crouched down

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