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June 24th 2025

Caden is currently at school, Daniel is in the shower. I was sat on the couch and couldn't get up because of my bump. I groaned in frustration

"Hey you alright?" Daniel asked walking down the stairs in sweat pants and wet hair

"No" I started to tear up

"Baby what's wrong?" He pulled me off of the couch to then let me straddle him

"I'm going to crush you" I whispered

"No you're not" he put his hands on my lower back

"Yes I am! I weigh a ton! I can't do anything around this house! I can't even zip up my pants by myself dan! I feel irritated and groggy, I look absolutely disgusting and tired, I haven't even had the babies and I'm sleep deprived!"

"Hey, don't cry" he caressed my face

"I'm not! It's my stupid hormones" I complained "one minute I want to cry! the other I'm extremely tired! and the other times I just want to make you feel good and I fucking can't because of my uterus!" I cried out

"I don't care how I feel, I just want to make sure you're okay" he said

"For these past four months, I've seen in your eyes that you've needed me like that! And I can't even help you! For fuck sake I can't even pleasure my own fucking fiancé!"

"What do you feel like right now?" Daniel asked calmly

"Honestly like this" I eagerly placed my lips on Daniels, I placed my hands round the back of his head, slightly lifting myself from him to deepen the kiss

Daniel keeps his hands on my back tracing it ever so slightly. He moved us so he was sat up straight, he detached his lips from mine soon reattaching them to my jaw kissing down to my earlobe then down my neck.
He tugged at the end of my hoodie signalling he wanted it off which it came off being thrown across the living room. He picked us up, taking us to the bedroom lying me down on the bed.
He kissed down the rest of my body stopping at my stomach

"Beautiful" Daniel mumbled, he put his head next to mine "absolutely beautiful" he pulled the covers over us, I yawned, throwing a leg over Daniels body "are you tired?"

"Yeah" I closed my eyes

"Just beautiful, nothing else" he carried on "I mean yes you've put weight on but you're carrying two other humans" he started to play with my hair "you're going to be sleep deprived but you can't help that, to imagine sleeping with a bump must be uncomfortable but you're still beautiful and being irritated is normal-"

"These sweatpants are irritating me, help me please" I begged Daniel to help me take them off, Daniel removed the covers from over us and slid my sweatpants down and folded them neatly

"Anything else irritating you?" I shook my head "Do you want anything?"

"Just you"

He lead back down covering us once again

"Get some sleep, I love you" he said taking me into his arms

"I love you too" I kissed his forearm before drifting off to sleep

I woke to the sound of people talking in the kitchen, you get that when you bedroom is on the ground floor. I sat up not having the energy to get up

"How's Kenna?" I heard a female voice ask

"She's sleeping right now, I think she's been asleep for about two hours now" Daniel replies to the women

"At lease she's getting sleep" I recognised the voice which belong to Keri

"I'm going to go check on her" I heard Daniels footsteps get closer then opening the door "hey baby, how you feeling?"

"I'm pregnant not ill" I snapped

"I sure won't miss these mood swings" he said under his breath "are you still not wearing pants or a shirt" I shook my head

"Not unless you dressed me but I thought a fell asleep with a bra on still?" I asked

"I took it off, you looked really uncomfortable and it was started to dig in"

"Thank you" I kissed him

"Do you want a pair of my sweats? Or the ones you had on earlier?"

"I'll just wear the ones I had on earlier" he passed them over as I tried to put them on "here's one of my hoodies" he put it over my head "much better" he pulled me to my feet "come on, my moms here" he hugged me before walking out

I walked out into the kitchen with the hood still up

"Hey sweetie" I looked up at Keri and smiled "how's the hormones?"

"Too much" I replied "I want the things out of me"

"Not long now" she laughed "by the way Caden is next door"

"He did curl up next to you and have a nap" Daniel said resting his head on my shoulder "I took photos"

"I should be heading out now" Keri smiled "I'm glad I caught you for a second"

"Yeah anytime" I smiled

"Say Bye to Caden for me"

"Will do, Bye mom"

"I love you both"

"We love you too" I smiled at her as she left the house

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