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  I was sitting at a bar, probably past tipsy, just trying to finish off my drink without getting beyond drunk. I was out of it, too out of it. I didn't even notice a tall guy with a full head of curls sit next to me until he tapped on my shoulder.
  "Need help with that drink?" He asked in a smooth voice.
  "Nah, this is my last one," I answered.
  "What'd you get?"
  "Just a gin and tonic. You?"
  "Long island iced tea."
  My mouth watered when he said that. It's my favorite drink, but I didn't wanna get wasted tonight. He must've noticed my eager look.
"Wanna sip?" He chuckled.
  "YES," I replied, a little louder than I intended. He chuckled, and handed his glass to me. I quickly took a large sip, before passing it back.
  "Woah, take it easy, Smalls," He teased.
  "Pssshhhh, whatever, I'm still sober, also, my name is Y/n." I joked. He raised an eyebrow.
  "Well, if you're sober, Y/n, would you mind getting out of here with me?" He smirked. I gave him a long look. He was beyond gorgeous, nice, considerate. Do I really want to just sleep with him, and leave it at that?
  "Listen, uh..."
  "Danny, I'm into you. I don't wanna just hook up with you, and never see you again. I'll give you my number, and we'll see where it goes." He looked slightly disappointed, but still happy.
  "Alrighty," He opened his phone and let me type in my number.
  "I'm free tomorrow, if you wanna go out for lunch or something."
  He smiled kindly. "Sounds great! I'll text you."
  We said our goodbyes, then I got up to leave. Thankfully, I took an Uber there. (Don't drink and drive, kids.)
  When I woke up, I felt like shit. Like, shit thrown in a microwave with a bunch of freezer burnt fish sticks. It felt like my sinuses were gonna burst from all the pressure. I was so excited for my date with Dan, guess I'll have to cancel...
  "Hey, I feel like absolute crap, can't make it to lunch, sorry," I texted.
  "Oh damn, that sucks. Want me to come by?" He replied. My eyes widened at his care for a girl he just met.
  "Yeah sure! Here's my address."
  I closed my phone and squealed. He was gonna be here! With me! I stopped squealing when I realized I hadn't put on anything over my underwear yet. I was too lazy to put on clothes, however, so I just threw a blanket over myself and called it good.
  In ten minutes, he gently knocked on my door. I got up, and excitedly let him in.
  "Hey, Y/n! I brought a care package!" He said proudly, holding up a paper bag.
  "Awww, Dan! You didn't have to!"
  We kneeled on my floor, and pulled out the contents of the bag.
  "I got chocolate, nasal steroids, tissues, and a movie. It's my favorite." The moment I pulled out the movie, my eyes lit up.
  "Th-The Last Unicorn?!?" I yelled.
  "You know it?!" He asked.
  "Of course, I fucking LOVE this movie!"
  We had a moment of shared glee, and excited squeals, before prepping an area on the couch so we could consistently eat candy while watching the movie.
  We were pretty close to each other for the duration of the movie, and I didn't even notice he had his arm around me until the movie ended. For the rest of the afternoon, we listened to music, ordered sushi, and just hung out.
  It started getting pretty late, and I was beyond tired.
  "Welp, I better drive home..." Dan started to get up, but I gently grabbed his arm.
  "You shouldn't. You're tired, I'm fine with you staying here." I said, tiredly.
  He smiled defeatedly, then sat back down. We watched another movie, before I fell asleep in his arms.
Dan's POV
  I gently played with Y/n's hair as she slept. She's so perfect, I can't believe she's single.
  It was just now I noticed I have a glimpse under her blanket. I curiously peeked down and saw...she only has underwear on...I quickly looked up again, trying to erase the image out of my mind.
  "Come on, Dan, that's messed up..." I quietly whispered to myself. I tried to focus on something, ANYTHING else, but it was too late. I was hard. Okay, just gotta take care of this in the bathroom...the bathroom, where the hell is the bathroom?!
  "Mmmm..." Y/n stirred in her sleep, and her e/c orbs fluttered open.
  "Everything okay?" She noticed my panicked expression.
  "Uh, yeah. Just gotta-" my hard on poked her thigh on accident. "-pee," she looked down to see what touched her. Shit.
Your POV
  I quickly looked down to find the source of what poked me. I blushed when I realized what it is.
  "Daniel Avidan, did I turn you on?" I smirked.
  "I didn't know I had that effect on you!" His cheeks were bright red.
  "I-I'm so sorry, I just need to know where your bathroom is so I can..." I took a moment to think, then I smirked again.
  "Well," I went on, "I wouldn't mind helping you with it..." His eyes widened.
  "A-Are you sure, Y/n?" He asked.
  He eagerly took off his belt, and slid down his pants. His erection was far more noticeable. I slowly ran my hand over it, making him let out a gasp. I pulled down his boxers, and let it free.
  "'re big." I stated.
  "Haha, thanks..."
  I nervously took ahold of it, and licked a strip up the underside.
  "Ah, fuck..." He moaned.
  I smiled, and took all of him in my mouth.
  "Y/n!" He loudly moaned, surprised.
  I lightly hummed, making him groan. He started bucking his hips slightly to meet my mouth.
"Oh fuck...Y/n!" He climaxed in my mouth. It took a bit, but I managed to swallow it all. We were both panting, it was hard doing all that with a stuffed up nose...
"That was the fucking best..." He said, tiredly, "let me return the favor..." He leaned in for a kiss, but I stopped him by placing a firm hand on his chest.
"Let's try tomorrow, it's 1 am..." I groaned, smiling.
" it is!" He giggled.
"Goodnight, Dork."
"Goodnight, Smalls."

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