Exchange Student

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  A/n: So, I Don't wanna Count this as an AU, since everything's the same, besides the reader. However, it is slightly different from my other chapters. Hope you enjoy!
  ~That One Mom Friend
  My name is Y/n, and I've lived in France my whole life. I've been learning English since elementary, and my college is giving us an opportunity to live there junior year. Basically, I'll be an exchange student.
My mother is French, but she grew up in America. She moved here for a career, and met my dad. As I grew up, she never ceased to take any, and every moment to show me a photo from her time in California, or to sing me a song that topped the charts in the late '90's.
I realized I wanted to live in America when I was 5. She put me in an immersion program, and I've been learning ever since. As far as I know, I was the only student who requested to live in Glendale, where my mom stayed.
Someone offered to house me pretty quick, they found me a university, and off I went, the first flight to Glendale! I knew little about the family who was hosting me, but I gave one of their Facebooks a quick look.
I noticed he was a unique character when his Facebook advertised what seemed to be his band and YouTube channel. And he's...single? Interesting. I looked at his band, and stifled a laugh once I saw it's name. Despite his odd naming choice, I fell in love with his voice. It was hard to translate in my head, but he articulates well, so it's nice to listen to.
Another thing I fell in love with, his Youtube. He plays games with his friend, and, from what I can understand, they're extremely funny. My excitement grew exponentially just on the flight.
Oh, yeah...the last thing I fell in love with...his looks. His hair, build, and voice, they were just...perfect. I hope he doesn't distract me from school...
I walked out of the plane, into the terminal. I immediately picked him out of the crowd, thanks to his stature, and the sign he held up with my name on it. he more attractive in real life? Yes. The answer is yes.
His eyes lit up when he saw me. He eagerly opened his arms, inviting me into a hug.
"Welcome, Y/n!" He greeted, his voice slightly muffled by my hair.
"Hello, Dan..." I replied, relaxing from his tight embrace. He pulled away.
"Can I take your suitcase?" He asked.
"No, no, I have it." I smiled. He shrugged, and he led me to his car.
Once we got settled, and he pulled out of the parking lot, he turned on the radio.
"Do you listen to English music?" He turned down the volume so he could hear me.
I nodded excitedly. "Yes! My mom loves it!" He giggled at my sudden enthusiasm. He turned the volume back up, and began to sing along. I love his voice so much! After a minute or so, I realized I've heard this song before. It's by Queen, right?
Somehow, the lyrics returned to my mind, and I couldn't help but sing. I, personally, don't enjoy my voice, but my family seems to like it. Dan gave me an impressed look, but did not stop singing. Already, I felt a strong bond towards him. Not a brotherly bond, not a fatherly bond, so, what could it be?
We pulled up to his house, and he took my suitcase out of the back of his car. I went to grab it, but he swiped it away from me.
  "Nope, you relax!" He smiled, "And, I really like your voice."
  I couldn't help but blush. "Th-Thank you..."
  We entered his house, and I was taken aback. It was small, but it was covered in video game posters, and other merchandise.
  "Do you like it?" He rested his hand on my shoulder.
  "Yes! I love it very much!" I couldn't hold back my giddy nature. He laughed, and took me to my room.

  Oof no smut in this chapter, but don't worry! I will definitely make this a multi-chapter ordeal! You'll be satisfied, you sinners!
  ~That One Mom Friend

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