Dan x Shy!Reader

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  When I started working for Gane Grumps, I was immediately drawn to Dan. Maybe it was his friendly nature, his caring actions, his dashing looks, or his angelic voice. Whatever it was, it sent me head over heels whenever I saw him.
  So, naturally, when they asked me to do a skit with them to introduce me to the fans, I was ecstatic. It was a classic, slightly cringey sketch. The plot was, basically, Matt and Ryan are constantly editing away in their room, never being seen by anyone. This makes Dan depressed, so he basically creates me. I know, sounds super weird, but hey, they're the professionals.
  The scenes in the beginning were relatively simple, and before I knew it, it came the scene where Dan creates a new editor. It involved me laying on a table, and him placing items such as a camera, different games, and pictures of Barry and Kevin. Again, super weird, but pretty funny.
  For some reason, during the filming, I couldn't take my eyes off of Dan. I uncontrollably blushed when he was placing the objects on my body. The rest of the filming went without a hitch, and the day continued as normal. At least, until Dan talked to me.
"Hey, Y/n!" He smiled.
I jumped in surprise.
"Oh, hey!"
"Just wanted to say, great job with the skit! The lovelies will love you."
  I blushed. "Th-Thank you, Dan. That means a lot."
  His expression changed into a devious one.
  "I couldn't help but notice you blushing furiously during our recording..."
  I froze. Did he really notice? I opened my mouth, but no words came out.
  "...Why is that?" He continued.
  I stuttered, not being able to compose a word, let alone a whole sentence. Noticing my terrified behavior, he laughed it off.
  "Don't worry, Y/n. I'm only teasing you. It was cute is all..." He walked away before I could respond. I simply stood there, unable to react. That man really is something else...
And maybe that isn't a bad thing.
  I was wrapping up editing the skit, when Arin approached me.
  "Hey, Y/n, me and Dan were thinking of throwing a party at 6, to celebrate you joining the team. Sound cool?"
"Definitely! Where's it at?"
"Dan and Barry's. That's right, Dan'll be there~" He teased.
"Sh-Shut up!" I smacked his arm.
I was mad he teased me, but I couldn't wait to see Dan. Something about him...I guess, in a way, he validates me. I know I shouldn't rely on a crush to help my self-esteem, but the way he focuses on no one else but me when I talk, I feel like the only girl in the world sometimes.
I arrived to the party fifteen minutes early, as the idea of being late to my own party was giving me overwhelming anxiety. When I opened the door, Dan was the only one there. His face lit up when he saw me.
  "Y/n!" He hugged me tightly.
  "Hi, Dan. Where's, like, everyone else?" I giggled.
  He shrugged. "It's rush hour, they'll be a bit." Silence lingered in the air.
  "So," He broke the silence, "I got ya something..."
  "Wha-" Before I could ask, he revealed a copy of Smash Bros. Ultimate.
"Dan! Oh my god!" I took the game, and studied the case. I hugged him tightly. We played the game for about 10 minutes before Arin and Suzy arrived.
  A while later, Ross, Matt, and Ryan showed up, and the party started. It involved talking to everyone, which increased my anxiety, but it felt nice for all these people to want to get to know me.
  Once everyone but Danny left, I decided to leave. I was reluctant to go, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Dan sensed my hesitance to leave.
  "Hey, Y/n, if you want, you can stay."
  "F-For how long?" I stuttered.
  "Barry's out of town, you can crash here."
  I was speechless. "Th...That sounds nice..."
  We spent the remainder of the evening playing games, talking, and just chilling in general. I thought about confessing my feelings for him, but was afraid of him feeling uncomfortable the whole night I was there. It was about 10 at night, we were watching Netflix, and all seemed normal until the "Are you still watching?" Prompt came up. I expected Dan to continue the show, but he didn't move.
  "Everything okay, Dan?" I asked, noticing his flushed face.
  "Uhm...Y/n...D-Do you have a significant other?" He asked, trying to keep his upbeat demeanor.
  I couldn't help but laugh. "No, not since high school."
  He body relaxed. "Well, um, I just wanted to say, I think you're beautiful, and wonderful, and I would love to date you..." He blushed, and smiled.
  I sat there, frozen with my mouth agape. I couldn't believe it. What could I have to offer him?!
  "...Why?" I finally whispered.
  He gave me a confused look, before giggling.
  "Why? Whaddya mean why? You're amazing, Y/n!" I looked away.
  He moved closer to me, placed his fingers under my chin, and lifted my gaze to him.
  "At least, let me show you..."
  My cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"H-How so?" He smiled, and walked to his room.
"Follow me..."
In awe, I followed him. He laid down on his bed, and patted the spot next to him. I sat next to him, and he ran his fingers through my hair.
"N...Now what?" I asked.
He giggled. "I was wondering...if you wanted...to make love?"
I couldn't help but grin.
"Yes, that...that sounds great!" He smiled, and leaned in, I hesitated before following suit, until our lips met. Once they did, it felt like fireworks went off around us. The kiss eventually got more heated, and I felt his fingers tug at the bottom of my shirt.
"I love this shirt," He made eye contact, "but it needs to come off."
I giggled. I tried my best to hide my anxiety, but it failed.
"Hey, do you want to do this?" He asked, worriedly.
"Yes, I just...I'm scared." He smiled sweetly.
"Y/n, you're beautiful. Don't worry about a thing. I'll take care of you."
I took in a deep breath, and held it as I took off my shirt. His hands immediately went to my bra. I unzipped my jeans, and he took off my bra.
"How come you're still fully clothed?" I pouted.
"Let me fix that."
He stripped quickly, eager to continue. He fondled my chest, and one of his hands made its way to my underwear. I tensed up, and froze.
"Shit, was that too much?" He panicked.
"Oh, n-no! It just caught me off guard is all. You can continue." I gave him a reassuring nod. He moved down, and slowly pulled down my panties. He spread my legs, and took a moment to appreciate the sight.
"Wow, you're wet..." I blushed darkly.
I felt like I was gonna explode. I needed him, now.
"Dan, I want you..." I begged.
"Me as in...?" He smirked.
I bit my lip. "I want you...i-inside me..."
He took off his boxers. "I thought you'd never ask..."
I couldn't help but stare at his bare body. He giggled.
"Like what you see?" I nodded slowly. "You on birth control?"
He smiled, and climbed on top of me. I felt him align himself with my entrance.
  He slowly entered, watching my face for any signs of pain. It was uncomfortable, but the pain was almost undetectable. He stayed there for a while, before I gave him the nod.
  He pulled out almost all the way, before sliding back in. I let out a quiet moan, and covered my face in embarrassment. He stopped thrusting, and moved my hands away.
  "Y/n, you don't need to be embarrassed, I love your sounds." He said, reassuringly.
I gained some confidence, and began
to moan louder as his thrusts grew faster. Soon, he hit a spot inside me that made me melt.
"Dan, right there!"
He obliged, and thrusted even faster, hitting that spot every time.
"F-Fuck, you're so tight...."
I felt pressure building in my stomach, telling me I was close.
"Dan, I'm...I'm gonna cum soon..." I moaned.
"M-Me too, Y/n..."
His hand reached down, and rubbed my clit, sending me over the edge. I cried out in ecstasy.
"Fuck, Y/n!"
Dan released into me, and collapsed by my side.
"Wow..." I finally said.
"Y'know, you shouldn't be so shy, Y/n. You're fucking amazing."

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