Make Up

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  (A/n): This is request from, you guessed it, AllytheTiger !
  It started with a disagreement. Then, it moved up into an argument. At this point, we don't even know what made us mad in the first place, we just were.
"Well, maybe if you didn't spend so much time at work!"
"Maybe if you just listened to me for once!"
I felt as if at any moment, I would burst into tears. We never argue. Or, if we do, it gets resolved as quickly as it begins. I didn't know what to do.
"Well, if you feel that way, you can just go!" I blurted without thinking.
Dan's eyes widened.
"Fine! If that's what you want, I'll go!"
  He got up and, without a word, left. As soon as the door closed, regret washed over me. I sobbed, wanting him. Part of me wanted to run after him, text him, anything, but I just couldn't. I immediately texted Suzy to ask what to do.
Y: Suzy, I need your help.
  S: Sure, what is it hun?
  Y: Me and Dan got into a fight... he left
  S: I'll be right there
  I was taken aback a bit by her generosity. Sure enough, less than 20 minutes later, Suzy arrived.
  "How you holding up, Y/n?" She asked, embracing me. I couldn't help but tear up.
  "I-I don't even know how it started, but...we both got mad, had a bad argument, a-and I told him to leave..." Suzy listened, nodded, and brought me in for another hug. I cried into her shoulder.
  "I didn't even mean to say it...I just blurted out the first thing I thought of..." She rubbed my back.
  "Tell ya what, I'll stay here tonight, keep you company, and tomorrow you can reconcile with Dan." I nodded, and immediately felt better. The fact she seemed to know Dan and I's relationship would be okay reassured me.
  We spent the night talking about Suzy and Arin's arguments, arguments they thought they would never bounce back from, yet they're stronger than ever now. It really calmed me down.
  The next morning, Suzy left, and I knew what I had to do. I pulled out my phone to text Dan. My finger hovered above the keyboard, but my mind went blank.
  After a few minutes of contemplating my message, I heard the door open. I imagined Suzy forgot something, but when I looked up, there he was. Dan. Red eyed and puffy-cheeked. I stood up, and walked over to him, in a stunned silence. Tension hung in the air.
  "Where did you stay?" I asked, choking back tears.
  "Arin's. He said Suzy stayed here?"
  I nodded. We stood there, unsure of what to do next, until everything broke loose. We hugged, and cried until there was nothing left. We let go, and kissed.
  "I'm so sorry..." I mumbled, tired from crying.
  "No, it was my fault, I'm sorry."
We kissed again, this time longer. We pulled away, and looked at each other with a hunger.
  "Bedroom?" I asked.
  I took his hand, and led him to our room. I needed him so much, he was the only thing I could think about. I laid on the bed, and began to strip. He immediately placed himself between my legs.
  "I missed you so much..." He groaned, peppering kisses along my collarbone.
  "I did, too..."
  He quickly took off his jeans and boxers, and aligned himself with my entrance.
  He went agonizingly slow, watching me for signs of discomfort. Once he was fully in, we kissed deeply. I moaned against him, as he started a fast rhythm.
  He obliged, and began to hit my g-spot. The room filled with our lewd sounds. I rested my feet on his shoulders, allowing him to go deeper.
  "Fuck, you feel so good..."
  He rubbed my clit with his thumb, sending me over the edge. He followed suit soon after, filling me up inside. He laid by me, holding me in his strong arms.
  "Don't leave me again, okay?" I asked holding back tears.
  He kissed my forehead, and held me closer.

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