Exchange Student (Part 2)

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  It wasn't hard to fall asleep, thanks to all the air travel. It's definitely warmer here than France, not that I mind. Today he's gonna take me to his work, and introduce me to his friends. I've watched what he does on YouTube, and I am beyond excited!
  I stepped into the building with Dan, and immediately felt welcome. Apparently, he told his friends of my arrival, and they couldn't wait to meet me. There was a man, barely shorter than Danny, and a woman next to him, probably his girlfriend or wife.
They introduced themselves, gave me hugs, and we went into the recording room. They let me pick out a game from their over abundant selection. I decided to pick Mario Kart, since it's the only game I'm good at, and I didn't want to look bad on "Guest Grumps."
"Shit ass!" Arin yelled, making Dan burst in laughter. I was worried, as it was my doing that made him furious, so I shot him a sorry look. He caught my look, and his eyes widened.
"No, no Y/n, I'm not actually mad at you!" He laughed, but it was still genuine. I nervously laughed.
"No, I'm okay!"
I ended up smoking the both of them, which, admittedly, felt pretty good. After they did the outro, we went to lunch. They got me sushi, which made this day, just, infinitely better. I ended up spending the rest of the day at the GGHQ, and we didn't leave until 10.
We were sitting on Dan's couch, talking about a show we both knew. I couldn't help but study his features, and his laugh...He's a perfect human!
"Y/n?" He asked, "You okay?"
I snapped out of my trance. "Yes! I'm just...tired." I lied.
"Oh, well, we should go to bed anyway."
Slightly disappointed, I retired to my room. I stayed up a bit, romantic frustration flooding my mind. I just wish I could tell him how I felt...A move like that could send me back to France without missing a beat, but it might be worth it. I finally closed my eyes, and let sleep take over me.
"I'm going to check the mail, I'll be right back!" My Dad informed. I quickly remembered this dream from the countless times it's plagued my memory. I started to tear up, not wanting to relive this god awful day.
"No no no..." I sobbed, but no one heard me. He left, not saying bye. God, I wish I could've said goodbye...A minute later, our neighbor burst through our door, panic-stricken. I let out a loud cry, already knowing what she was gonna say.
"He...a didn't...stop..." She panted, then started to hyperventilate. My mom, sensing a problem, ran to her, and told her to calm down.
"He just..." She looked at me, right in my eyes. Realization in her face, the realization of my future, or a lack thereof. She took a deep breath, tears streaming down her face, and whispered in my mom's ear. My mom looked to me.
"Go to your room, and stay there until I get you..." She demanded, her voice shaking. I walked to my room, and looked out my window. I saw my father, on the ground, motionless. My eyes widened, and I cried harder.
"Papa!" I yelled as I shot awake, in a cold sweat. 15 years since we lost him...yet that memory was still crystal clear. I immediately started crying, and shaking. A few seconds later, Dan opened my door.
"Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked, worriedly. I shook my head, and he sat next to me on my bed.
"Do you...wanna talk about it?"
I thought for a moment. "I h-had...a nightmare. I keep...having it..." tears rolled down my face. He gave me a sympathetic look.
"What is it about?" He asked.
"My-My father..." I sobbed into my hands. He rubbed my back, and pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shoulder. I started having these nightmares ever since I moved out. I've felt so alone, but I finally feel at peace. Being in someone's arms, comforting me, it quickly calmed me down.
"M...My father was hit by a car when I was little." I choked down a sob, as he, again, hugged me. He got up to leave, but I grabbed his arm.
"Yeah?" He looked back. A blush spread across my cheeks.
"I-um...can I...sleep in your room?" I was so shaken up. I was petrified of sleeping alone, and having the nightmare again. He gave me a soft smile.
"Of course, Y/n. Do you mind if I'm in boxers?" My blush grew brighter.
"N-No, I don't mind." I followed behind him, pulling down my oversized t-shirt to cover my panties. I eventually gathered up a little courage, and let go of my top. He laid down on his bed, and looked to me, confused.
"You gonna lay down?" He smiled.
"Oh, y-yes."
I nervously sat down next to him, and he rested his hand on my shoulder.
"Good night, Y/n." He turned on his side, facing me, and closed his eyes.
"Good night..."
I cautiously turned on my side, facing away from him, making sure I made no physical contact. A few minutes later, I felt him wrap his arm around me. Oh my god, we're spooning! Was he doing this on purpose? Is he awake? I was as still as possible, not wanting to wake him, in case he was asleep.
Minutes passed, and he still hadn't moved. I decided to fall asleep, not wanting to stay up too late. It does feel pretty nice, after all...
Danny's POV
I stirred in my sleep, then opened my eyes. I had, apparently, placed my arm around her in my sleep. She's so adorable...I suddenly felt movement around my crotch, and I immediately looked down to see what it was.
Y/n was adjusting herself and, unknowingly, was rubbing against my dick. I bit my lip, preventing a moan from slipping out of my mouth. Before I knew it, I was getting hard. Fuck! I need to get to the bathroom without waking her!
I gently slid the blanket off of me, and attempted to get out of the bed. Just before my legs were out, Y/n turned to face me. Shit...

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