Family - Apollonia

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The show finished around midnight, but I didn't actually leave work till 2am. I'd officially missed the last ferry back to Staten Island, but Colin invited me back to his for the night. We didn't actually get to sleep until 5am, and when I woke up 4 hours later I wanted to die from exhaustion.

"Where you going" Colin grumbled as I pulled myself out of the bed.

"I need to go pick up my niece, she's been on some scouts trip" I groaned and began pulling on my clothes.

Colin ordered me a prepaid taxi and I was back in apartment a couple of hours later. I grabbed a quick shower and changed into a more casual t-shirt and jeans with a jacket and ankle boots before heading back out again. In an attempt to save money, I decided to walk over to Zoe's and half hour later I had arrived.

"Hey hun" Zoe smiled in a thick Staten island accent when we opened the door.

Bella came running straight over to me and began to excitedly tell me all about her camping trip.

"What's that?" Bella giggled and pointed at my neck.

I quickly tried to pull my hair down as she began to dance around. "Apple has a love bite, Apple  has a love bite" she sang out over and over again as the front door opened.

"So whose the guy?" Zoe laughed as she shooed the girls away.

"A guy from work" I blushed as I turned around and saw Sal and Q walking into the living room.

I hadn't spoken to Q since he dropped me off at my apartment and the filled my cupboards and fridge with food.

"Hey you" he smiled at me.

"Can we talk" I mumbled and then pulled me back into the entrance hall.

"What's up?" He asked with a laugh once we were alone.

"You didn't need shop for me. I want the receipt so I can pay you back" I hissed.

"Fine, I was just trying to help" he grumbled and pulled out his wallet.

"Jesus" I sighed as I saw how much he had spent.

"You don't need to pay me back" he shrugged.

I just shook my head at him before walking back into the busy and loud living room. I didn't speak to Q for the rest of the afternoon as I helped Zoe prep for dinner.

"Q paid for my power and then filled my kitchen with food" I groaned at her.

"Seriously?" She scoffed.

"Yeah, I told him I was struggling, but I didn't expect him to do all that. He spent a small fortune for me, there's no way I can pay it all back straight away".

"Bri's a good guy, don't think to much into it. Your a sweet, pretty girl, he probably just wanted to help out. All men want to be a night in shining armour hun" she shrugged.

A short while later we were all taking our seats at the dining table. Bella was sat in front of me, next to her friend Bianca. Meanwhile, I was sat next to Q and Zoe.

"To new family" Zoe cheered out and raised her glass before flashing me a large smile.

The meal went by in a sub-reality of laughter, drinking and eating. The vulcano family were defiantly loud and proud. I hadn't seen Bella smile that much ever as I sat and watched her giggle and whisper with Bianca.

"Your keeping pretty quiet" Q smiled at me over the madness.

"Am I usually loud?" I teased and took another sip from my drink.

"I watched the show last night. It was really good".

"What did you think of the Staten island sketch?" I asked intrigued.

"Painfully true but fucking funny. Did you help out on that one?"

"I wrote it, don't you remember we telling you?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm just teasing you. You must be a great writer. It was really funny".

After dinner I helped Zoe with the dishes and then headed back into the living room. "Right you, time to go" I called out to Bella who was chatting away to Q.

"I don't wanna go" she pouted

"Tough, get your stuff" I shot back.

Bella  ran over to me and kicked me in the leg before running out of the room screaming. "I don't want to leave, I hate our apartment. I hate you".

I hopped on my leg and clinged onto the other as I tried to stop myself from cursing. Brian helped me back on to the couch as Zoe smiled softly at me.

"Let me talk to her" she called out and ran upstairs after her.

"Let me give you both a ride home" Q spoke softly and gently rubbed my leg.

After Bella somewhat calmed down we all jumped into Brian's jeep and drove off.

"Thanks for this" I smiled at him.

"Thanks for this" Bella mimicked me in an annoying voice.

"Come on, behave for your aunt. I was going to ask her if I could take you both out next Sunday, but I won't if you keep being naughty" Q shot back to her.

Bella quickly looked down and bite her lip.

"Whatcha say, let me play tour guide for you next Sunday. Take you around the city?" Q asked me this time as we pulled up outside my apartment.

"Okay" I shrugged, trying to act cool and casual as we jumped out of the car.

Q walked us in. As I opened the door Bella pushed past us and walked in leaving the two of us alone by the front door.

"Pass me your phone" Q ordered as I pulled it out of my back pocket and passed it to him.

Brian quickly typed in his number and then quickly hit dial and then hung up. "So we can plan sunday" he smiled before passing me back the phone.

I was leaning against the door frame as Q raised his arm and placed his hand on the wooden frame next to my face. Slowly, he leant in closer towards me and I breathed in the scent of his cologne. Staying completely still he continued to lean in until our lips touched. The second I felt his lips on mine, I moved into the kiss and grabbed held of his t-shirt. Q in turn moved his arms and wrapped them around me to deepen the kiss.

"I'm working in the city tomorrow, let me take you for lunch... unless you have another date" he whispered breathlessly into my ear.

"Sure. I'll call you when I'm on lunch" I mumbled as he pulled away from me.

"Good night Apollonia" he laughed before completely stepping back and walking back down the corridor.

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