Chapter 1

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I hurriedly applied my makeup as my phone buzzed with messages coming in. I was running late for a meeting but I didn't want to go without making sure I at least looked decent.

Because I'm going to see him again.


How long has it been since we last met? 4 years at least? I can't remember exactly but it's been a while. And I was still married then.

It's been a year now since the divorce. I wonder if he knows that. I wonder if he kept track of me through those years.

As for me, I would hear news about him sometimes from our schoolmates and common friends.

And sometimes I see him on the news. He's an award winning director-producer now, mostly of war and political documentaries. A far cry from the arrogant, mischievous boy I first met 20 years ago.

I smile at the memory.

It was our first day on the job. Me as a copywriter, him as a news cameraman, and we were part of the second batch of new hires for TVN, one of the largest networks in the country. It was my dream job and I was eager to please.

I was practically bouncing in my seat, impatient for the meeting to start.

"Are you that happy to get in?" A male voiced whispered loudly on my left as we were all gathered in the conference room for the employee orientation.

I turned to see a guy around my age, sitting on the chair next to mine. He was lounging casually, looking bored, as if this was his house and we were all unwelcome guests.

I studied him carefully and the first thing I noticed were his deep hazel eyes that stared back into mine. They were fringed with thick and long eyelashes that I wished I had. He had a strong, square jaw that was softened by a dimple on his right cheek.

He's cute, was my first thought, then my eyes were drawn to his lips which curved into a smirk, and I felt my eyebrows shoot up to my forehead.

"Yeah, I am. I wanted this job. Got a problem with that?" I challenged him. I won't let myself get bullied on the first day.

"I guess they didn't tell you about the pay yet," he continued, still smirking.

I decided to ignore him. He wasn't worth the argument.

"Or you're a rich kid and you don't really need the money," he pressed on, moving his face closer as if trying to read my mind.

"You don't look like it though."

Despite my determination not to respond, I found myself turning around to face him and caught him eyeing me from head to toe, as if computing how much I'm worth.

"Do I know you?" I finally spoke, trying my best to sound intimidating and hoping to brush him off. Yes he was cute, but he acted and sounded like a jerk which was a big turn off.

"Not yet, but you will."

He winked and grinned, flashing his dimple and making his small eyes practically disappear.

"I'm Paul," he continued as he held out his hand.

"I'm none if your business."

"Woah! Someone got off the wrong side of the bed this morning."

I ignore him again.

"You need to be more friendly if you want to survive in the industry, you know."

Feeling my temper rising, I decided it was better to keep some distance between us before I totally lose it. I didn't want to create a scene on my first day on the job.

I stood up and made a move to leave when his arm shot out to hold me in place.

"Sit down. It's about to start," he whispered theatrically, making heads turn our way.

I felt my cheeks heat up and immediately sat down before we attract any more attention.

I moved my body as far to the right as my seat would allow, trying to stay away from him and forced myself to focus on the speaker in front while he kept making weird noises beside me.

"Annie? Ana? Anette? Angela? Adelle?"

"What are you talking about?" I finally asked him.

"I'm trying to guess your name. I thought it would be more organized if I did it alphabetically."

Cursing the bad luck that made me sit down next to this weird guy this morning, I refused to take the bait and directed my attention to the speaker again.

"Bea? Beatrice? Belle? Bianca? Bridgitte? Bernadette?"

"Can you stop that?" I snarled at him, barely keeping my tempet in check.

"What? I still got to cover C to Z. I have all day," he quickly replied with a wink

I take deep breaths to calm myself, counting the minutes until the orientation is finished and I can finally get away.

"Catherine? Cat? Cheska? Cassandra? Cleo?"

"Will you please shut up?!?" I finally exploded. To my horror, I realized seconds later that I had just said it out loud for the whole room to hear. And the speaker - who happened to be the HR manager - was now looking at me sternly.

"I'm sorry sir, I was not referring to you," I quickly apologized before it got any worse.

I wanted to shrink myself and go hide under the table. Or at least have the floor open up and swallow me whole to end my torture.

And in the middle of all this is that damn guy who is now silently shaking with laughter.

Paul, was it? I'll make sure to remember his name now. I'm gonna get back at him someday for this, I swore to myself.

Maybe this time [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now